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In advertising you're always working against the clock, trying to meet deadlines.干广告这一行总是要赶时间,赶限期。He is in favor of term limits for members of Congress. 他主张国会议员的任期应该有限期。The promotional pack will be on sale for a limited period only.特惠促销包仅在限期内折价销售。As the deadline approached, it was clear that we needed to rally the troops. 最后限期即将到来,显然我们需要动员全体人员更加努力工作。The loan offer is due to expire this week.提供贷款的限期到本周截止。We haven't missed a deadline yet, knock on wood.我们还没有错过一次限期,但愿一直有这运气。Trainee journalists soon learn the importance of deadlines, on the job.实习记者很快就会在工作中懂得最后限期的重要性。The application must be made within a strict time limit.必须在限期内提出申请,过时不候。 |