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词汇 deference
例句 Why do you treat your boss with such deference?为什么你这么顺从你的老板?He decided not to get a tattoo in deference to his mother.他遵从母亲的意见,决定不文身了。The actress was accorded all the deference of a visiting celebrity.对来访名人应予的一切尊重,这位女演员都享受到了。Lewis was annoyed that Adam did not show enough respect and deference to him.刘易斯因为亚当对他态度轻慢、不够服从而感到生气。I refused to discuss the matter out of deference to my employer.考虑到雇主的立场,我拒绝讨论这个问题。He was welcomed with deference.人们怀着敬意欢迎他。He is shown much deference by his colleagues.他颇受同事们的敬重。He touched his forelock in mock deference.他手触额发假装尊敬。The police have not yet revealed the victim's name out of deference to his family.考虑到他的家人,警方目前尚未公开受害人姓名。The respect with which he had always treated me deepened into deference.他素来对我采取的敬重态度进一步深化成了敬仰。The traditional menu was changed in deference to Western tastes.考虑到西方人的口味,对传统菜单作了改动。She spoke with great deference.她说话时毕恭毕敬。The children were taught to show proper deference to their elders.孩子们受到教导,要对长辈有礼貌。He was treated with the deference due to an old man like him.他受到了像他这样的老人应该受到的敬重。Out of deference to him, I lowered my head as he prayed.出于对他的尊重,在他祷告的时候,我低下了头。The old sense of deference and restraint in royal reporting has vanished.在对皇室进行的新闻报道中,那种由来已久的尊重和收敛意识已经消失了。They were married in church, in deference to their parents' wishes.他们遵从父母的意愿,在教堂结婚。Her relatives treat one another with deference.她的亲戚们都相互尊重。She is treated with deference.人们很尊重她。




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