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例句 Please don't think that your record is the only hyped record on the charts.请不要认为排行榜上只有你的唱片是通过被大量购买来提升排名的。Although you'd think business would have boomed during the war, there was only a small spike in interest.人们会认为战争期间生意会很红火,但实际上利息只有小幅上升。It is only within the parameters of a clear set of goals that a national science program can be successful.只有在明确的目标范围里,国家的科研计划才能取得成功。Desperately frustrated and alone, she could see no way out except to take her own life.因为极度的失意和孤单,她只有以自杀寻求解脱。The book is sold only in paperback.这本书只有简装本出售。It's only by looking backwards that we can understand how these rivalries developed.只有通过回顾过去我们才能理解这些对抗行为是怎样产生的。In the darkroom they found that only half the film had been exposed.在暗室里他们发现只有一半胶卷经过了曝光。Only authorized personnel have access to the computer system.只有经批准的员工才能使用电脑系统。It is only parents who have the right to censor their children's viewing material.只有家长才有权检查自己孩子看些什么。She's not just a dumb blonde.她不是那种只有容貌没有头脑的金发女郎。The public is looking for a scapegoat, but no one will be accused until a full inquiry has been held.公众正在寻找一个替罪羊,但只有在进行了彻底调查之后,才会有人受到指责。The shuttle's launch has a window of only two days. 航天飞机的合适发射时机只有两天。Only the state was able to undertake the required research.要求进行的这项研究工作只有国家能承担得了。He's under arrest and may only be seen by his lawyer.他被拘捕了,只有律师可以见他。We can see comets only when they come close to the earth.只有当彗星接近地球时,我们才能看得见它们。The only likeable character in the whole movie is Judge White.整部电影里只有怀特法官是个可爱的角色。The postbox is just a few steps from my front door.邮箱离我的前门只有几步远。He had never taken more than a passing interest in the girl.他对这个女孩只有三分钟的热度。It is only on the world market that we can prove the competitiveness and quality of our goods.只有在世界市场上我们才能证明自身商品的竞争力和质量。Only a few sailors survived the shipwreck.只有几名水手在这次沉船事故中幸存下来。Only close family members are allowed to visit her.只有很亲近的家庭成员才允许探访她。It was a chilly night, and he had only a thin blanket for warmth.那是个寒冷的晚上,他却只有一条薄薄的毯子御寒。At present these televisions are only available in Japan.目前这种电视机只有在日本才能买到。Only affluent citizens can afford to live in this community.只有富裕的人可以住得起这个社区。Only the pick of the schools are able to pass the exams.只有各校的佼佼学生才能通过这些考试。Only half the children in this class are literate.这个班级里的学童只有一半能读能写。They only attended when someone in their immediate family was involved.只有直系亲属涉事时他们才处理。It's only by facing up to her addiction that she can hope to live a normal life again.只有勇敢地正视自己的毒瘾问题,才有希望重新过上正常的生活。It takes a meteorologist to explain why the typhoon made a sudden turn.只有气象学者才能解释台风为何转向。I alone was sane, I thought, in a world of crazy people.我认为,在一群疯子的世界里只有我自己是理性的。It was in the power of the gods to confer immortality upon mortals.只有神具有赋予人永生的力量。There is only one course of action open to the local authority.地方当局只有一种行动可以采取。There was only one dress that she really liked.只有一条裙子她是真的喜欢的。I only earn half as much as I used to.我现在挣的钱只有过去的一半。Everybody seems to be wearing green today - I guess I didn't get the memo.每个人都穿着绿色服装——看来只有我不知道。Unlike wine, brandy matures only in wood, not glass.与葡萄酒不同,白兰地只有在木桶里才能发酵成熟,玻璃器皿不行。Only a fool goes by the rules all the time.只有傻瓜才会什么时候都循规蹈矩的。When it rains, there is no alternative but to close up shop.下雨就只有关门停业,别无选择。We won't find out until morning.我们只有到了早晨才能弄清楚。These islands of the north-east coast can only be reached in small boats.东北部沿海的这些岛屿只有坐小船才能抵达。




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