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All he wanted was a cup of tea and a sit-down.他只求一杯清茶、片刻小憩。He's always done the minimum possible to pass his exams.他用功一向只求通过考试。I want nothing but raiment and daily bread.我只求温饱,别无他求。Critics niggled that the rapid production of planes was dangerous.爱挑剔的人批评说造飞机只求速度是危险的。He took the easy way out and paid someone to write the article for him.他只求方便,干脆雇人代笔写文章。They certainly gave the impression of a carefree couple who delighted in each other's company.他们让人明显感觉是一对无牵无挂只求长相厮守的夫妻。 |