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词汇 几件
例句 She ordered some dresses and was extremely exacting during fittings.她定制了几件衣服,在试样时极为挑剔。Place the pieces together and make sure the edges are square.把这几件东西放到一起,确保各边平正。The curtained stage was empty save for a few pieces of furniture.降下帷幕的舞台上空荡荡的,只有几件家具。To boost my confidence I went for a haircut and bought some new clothes.为了增强自信心,我去理了发,又买了几件新衣服。Tony recounted some funny anecdotes from his teenage years.托尼讲述了他少年时代的几件趣事。You can easily jazz up a plain outfit with some bright, colourful accessories.一套平平常常的衣服,配上几件明亮而鲜艳的饰物,就能轻而易举地增色不少。I found some moth-eaten old sweaters in the back of the wardrobe.我在衣柜后找到了几件虫蛀了的毛衫。Since it's getting warmer this time of year, I want something lightweight.到了一年的这时候天气已渐渐暖和,我需要几件薄型衣服。She took only a few items of clothing.她只带了几件衣服。They relied entirely on these few weapons for their defence.他们完全依靠这几件武器进行防御。His booty from the auction included several rare antiques.他在拍卖会上的收获包括几件珍稀古董。It came to my attention that several items were missing from my office.我发现我的办公室里有几件东西不见了。He replaced the stolen carvings with less valuable pieces.他用价值较低的赝品来替代被盗的几件雕刻品。Some best pieces of his furniture are reproductions.他家具中最佳的几件乃是仿古复制品。We can probably squash another couple of things in.我们也许还可以塞几件东西进去。Those shirts are all the same size.几件衬衫都一样大小。When I'm feeling miserable I go shopping and spoil myself - a couple of new dresses always make me feel better.我心情糟糕的时候,就会去购物放纵一下自己——买上几件新衣服总会让我感觉好些。Police officers posing as customers were sold some of the stolen items.有人向扮成顾客的警察兜售了几件被盗物品。Not large parcels of cloth. Dribs and drabs maybe.不是几大包衣服。可能只有几件We splashed out on a few luxuries.我们大手大脚地花钱,买了几件奢侈品。China will be offered the return of these antiques as a goodwill gift.中国得到对方的主动表示,说是将归还这几件古董,作为友善的馈赠。These figures are some of the most inventive of all African tribal sculptures.这些雕像是所有非洲部落雕塑中最富于创造力的几件Prison inmates are kept in tiny cells, with the bare minimum of furniture.犯人们被关在狭小的囚室里,只有再简单不过的几件家具。We're closing out our entire stock of children's clothing! Come and pick up some bargains!我们正在清仓甩卖童装!过来挑几件吧!Several valuable items were stolen.几件贵重物品被盗。We had several new pieces of furniture delivered to our home.我们有几件新家具送货上门。It didn't take her long to pack the few clothes she would need.她没花多少时间就收拾好了那几件所需的衣物。Several paintings and reliefs make up his collection.几件油画和浮雕作品是他全部的收藏品。There were a couple of small things I wanted to talk to you about.我有几件小事想和你谈谈。He unfolded the shirts preparatory to draping them over a hanger.他把那几件衬衫展开,准备用衣架把它们挂起来。He stuffed a few clothes in a suitcase and left.他往手提箱里塞了几件衣服就走了。A customer came in and bought several jackets.一名顾客进来买了几件夹克衫。Several of the stolen items were found buried under Mackie's house.其中的几件被盗物品被发现埋在麦凯的房子下面。I'm following up a few things that might dovetail.我正在追踪几件可能相互关联的事情。The room was bare except for a few pieces of ugly furniture.除了几件丑陋的家具外,房间里空空如也。Standing in the fields were pieces of farm machinery that had long since fallen into disrepair.田野里放着几件年久失修的农业机械。We could only save some clothes and a few pieces of furniture before the house burned down.房子烧毁前,我们只来得及抢救出一些衣服和几件家具。There are several jobs lying over from last week.几件上星期留下未做的工作。I hurried to the tent and grabbed a few clean, if rumpled, clothes.我赶紧跑到帐篷里,抓起了几件虽然有些皱,但是很干净的衣服。Removal of the brake pads is a simple operation which can be done with a few basic tools.拆除刹车板很简单,有几件基本工具就能做到。




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