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词汇 资源
例句 The team collectively must decide what resources they need and how they are to be used.全队必须集体商定需要哪些资源以及如何使用这些资源Water is one of the Earth's most important resources.水是地球最重要的资源之一。Resources are dwindling.资源在逐渐减少。Every available resource went towards / toward the war effort.一切可用的资源都投入到战备中去了。Why does German industry enjoy such a ready supply of well-trained and well-motivated workers?为什么德国工业能有如此现成的训练有素且积极肯干的劳动力资源呢?These losses have been a major drain on the company's resources.这些损失是对公司资源的严重消耗。A factor limiting our country's economic performance is its lack of resources.阻碍我国经济发展的一个因素就是资源匮乏。The country has husbanded its resources well.这个国家充分节约使用其资源Are our resources being effectively utilized?我们的资源正在得到有效利用吗?With the extra resources, the project now seems feasible.有了额外的资源,这个计划现在看来是可行的。Internet sources have proved extremely productive.因特网资源被证明是极有创造力的。Our resources may be inadequate to cover all possibilities.我们的资源可能不足以涵盖所有可能的方面。There was a mismatch between requirements and resources.需求与资源不相称。The multinational enterprise optimizes productive resources, market opportunities, and talents beyond and across national boundaries.这家跨国公司最高效地利用了国内外生产资源、市场机遇以及人才资源They will need lots of money and resources to take on the tobacco companies.他们需要大量的资金和资源来对付烟草公司。We need to expend more time and resources in finding a solution to the problem.我们需要花更多时间和资源来找出这个问题的解决方法。The earth has a finite number of resources which we must protect.地球的资源是有限的,我们必须要加以保护。Oil is one of their greatest resources.石油是他们最丰富的资源之一。The plants of the Australian outback represent a vast untapped resource.澳大利亚内地的植物是一大片未开采的资源Intellectual resources are multidimensional.智力资源是多方面的。We are trying to provide basic education with inadequate resources.我们设法在资源不足的情况下提供基础教育。Students have easy access to libraries.学生享用图书馆的资源很方便。Inadequate resources pose a problem for all members of staff.资源不足给所有工作人员造成困难。Our country has very limited resources. = Our country is very limited in its resources.我国的资源十分有限。It isn't them who use up the world's resources.并不是他们把全球的资源耗费殆尽的。The earth's resources are being used up at an alarming rate.地球上的资源正在以惊人的速度被消耗掉。The city has neglected the teacher shortage for too long.市政府长期以来对教师资源匮乏问题不予重视。Far more resources are needed to improve adult literacy.提高成年人的读写能力所需要的资源还远远不够。The country is rich in copper, cobalt and diamonds.这个国家有丰富的铜、钴和钻石资源They need to optimize the use of available resources.他们需要充分利用可获得的资源The question is whether we have sufficient resources to sustain an industrial society.问题是我们是否有足够的资源维持一个工业社会。Shell signed a contract to develop oil and gas reserves near Archangel.壳牌石油公司签订了一份开采阿尔汉格尔附近的石油和天然气资源的合同。The war on poverty requires a commitment of resources from the developing nations.向贫困开战需要发展中国家资源上的投入。If this cut in resources occurs, it could severely damage a social fabric that is already stretched to the breaking point.如果资源像这样减少的话,会对本已不堪重负的社会结构造成严重影响。Older people are an untapped resource in the employment market.大龄人员是就业市场中未利用的资源A small company like ours just doesn't have the resources to compete with the big corporations.像我们这样的小公司根本就没有资源和大公司竞争。The end result of these changes will be more bureaucracy and fewer resources.这些变化最终将导致官僚主义更加严重以及资源进一步匮乏。Government departments are in direct competition with each other for limited resources.政府部门互相之间为了有限的资源展开了直接竞争。We need to expend more time and resources on solving the problem.我们需要花更多时间和资源来解决这个问题。Resources are being poured into the Olympic site.资源正被源源不断地投入到奥运场馆。




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