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词汇 资金
例句 Some of the money goes to cover expenses, but a large proportion is donated to charity.一部分资金用于填补支出,但大部分都捐给慈善机构。The president has agreed to allocate further funds to develop the new submarine.总统已经同意再拨一部分资金开发新潜艇。All the money will go to charity.所有资金都将捐给慈善团体。Observers outside the government believe the programme is a waste of money.非政府观察家们认为这个项目是一种资金的浪费。Last year the board approved use of funds to improve staff training.去年董事会同意动用资金来改善雇员的培训质量。They will share a limited pool of money with other defendants.他们将与其他被告分享一笔有限的资金The company has suffered a financial hemorrhage. 这家公司损失了大笔资金They are always trying to wring additional funds from the government.他们总想从政府手中争取到额外资金They survived because of massive injections of money.由于有了大量资金的注入,他们存活了下来。The next step was to obtain finance to develop the project.下一步是要筹措到资金开发该项目。We ran up against a few problems finding enough money.我们在筹集充足的资金方面遇到了一些困难。Funds raised through selling these magazines are creamed off to support armed violence.出售这些杂志筹集到的资金被捞走用来支持武装暴动。The funding was for the production of the film.这些资金用于电影制作。There is a lot of money riding on the outcome of the race.有大笔资金赌这场比赛的结果。One question still remains: Do we have the funding for this project?还剩下一个问题:我们有资金做这个项目吗?Many hospitals are running out of money.许多医院都快没有资金了。The high cost of capital has a crippling effect on many small American high-tech firms.高昂的资金成本严重影响了美国的很多小型高科技公司。More government money is needed for the arts.政府需要拨更多的资金来扶持艺术。The government is criticised for not handing on information about missing funds.政府因未能就下落不明的资金提供相关信息而遭到批评。Someone was laundering secret campaign money in Mexico.有人在墨西哥把秘密竞选资金洗干净。Who funds the company pension plan?谁为公司的养老金计划提供资金We were unable to get funding and therefore had to abandon the project.我们无法筹到资金,因此不得不放弃计划。He campaigned hard to get more funding.他为争取更多的资金奔走呼号。This hospital is targeted for additional funding.这家医院力求获得额外资金Improved funding is fundamental to the success of the project.获得更多的资金对这一项目的成败至关重要。The organization has exhausted all its funds.该团体已用完了所有资金The money for the project was provided by a syndicate of banks.这个项目的资金是由银行财团提供的。Money was extremely scarce after the war.战后资金极为匮乏。Through their efforts, enough money was raised to buy the equipment.通过他们的努力,已经筹措了足够的资金购买设备。The organization may soon cease to exist if more funding isn't provided.如果无法筹集到更多的资金,这个机构可能很快会解散。The initiative was funded in a three-way split between the sponsors, the League and the clubs.这个动议需要的资金由赞助商、联赛和俱乐部三方均摊。He had siphoned thousands of pounds a week from the failing business.他一周之内从这家濒临破产的企业里抽走了数千英镑的资金More and more old people have capital tied up in a house.越来越多老年人的资金全让房子给套牢了。Elderly people sometimes unknowingly make huge sums of money over to unscrupulous business advisers.老人们有时会不知不觉地把大笔资金移交给不诚实的业务顾问。Our capital is all tied up in property.我们的资金都套牢在了房地产上无法动用。The hospital was funded from taxation.这家医院的资金来自税收。Mr Davis incurred substantial expenditure on the farmhouse.戴维斯先生为农舍投入了大量的资金We are now actively seeking further funding.我们正在积极筹集更多资金Carey admitted misspending company funds.凯里承认滥用了公司的资金Funding to help families on the street is running out.帮助流落街头的家庭的资金快用完了。




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