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The deer couched.那只鹿蹲伏下来。Punishments for killing the king's deer were severe.杀害国王的鹿将受到严厉惩罚。The lights of the approaching car froze the deer.迎面而来的汽车的灯光把鹿吓呆了。To drive deer with a vehicle is a criminal offence.驾车逐鹿是犯罪行为。I looked out the window and saw a deer.我向窗外望去,看到了一只鹿。The blinding glare of our headlights frightened the deer.我们车前灯的眩目亮光使那头鹿受到惊吓。The hunter found the place where the deer had lodged.猎人找到了鹿躲藏过的地方。The deer disappeared into the brush.鹿消失在灌木丛中。Antlers are the bony outgrowths on the heads of deer.鹿角是鹿的头部长出的骨状物。The deer, panicked by the headlights, ran in front of the car.被车头灯惊吓到的鹿在车前奔跑。If the deer catches winds of us, he'll run into the woods.鹿一闻到我们的气味就会跑进树林。He was hogtied like a gutted deer.他手脚都被绑住,就像一只开了膛的鹿一样。The area has a lot of deer, but very little water and not much open space.这个地区有很多鹿,但是水很少,空地也不多。He runs as quick as a deer.他跑得跟鹿一样快。The hunters bagged five deer altogether.猎人们一共捕获了五只鹿。The young cubs hungrily devoured the deer.幼狮们贪婪地吞食着鹿肉。The deer were eating the young shoots on the trees.鹿群正在吃树上的嫩枝。We saw three deer bound over the fence into the woods.我们看见三只鹿跳过篱笆跑进了小树林。November is a good time to hunt deer.十一月正是猎鹿的好时节。They live by hunting and killing deer.他们以猎鹿、杀鹿为生。They divided the deer's carcass, the hunter taking the hinder parts.他们将鹿的躯体一分为二,猎手分得后面部分。The hunters skinned the deer they had killed.猎人们将猎杀的鹿剥了皮。The tool had a nib made from the point of a deer's antler.这个工具有一个鹿角尖做成的尖突。He crashed through the bush and blanched a deer.他冲过灌木丛拦住了一头鹿。A deer burst out of the bushes and ran past us.一头鹿突然蹿出树丛,从我们旁边跑过去。The deer froze in the road as the car approached it.汽车开近了,鹿仍停在路上不动。He had the deer's head stuffed.他把鹿头填满,做成了标本。The deer had ample food to last the winter.这些鹿有足够的食物过冬。The spread of the suburbs has triggered a population explosion among America's deer.市郊的扩展使美国鹿的数量激增。The deer tasted gamy.这鹿肉尝起来有点腥。A small deer stood on the edge of the clearing.一只小鹿站在空地的边缘。The deer crossed over to the other side of the river.那只鹿过到河对岸去了。Great herds of wild deer roam freely over the hills.大群大群的野鹿自由自在地在山丘上漫步。They froze like deer in headlights.他们就像车灯照着的鹿一样一动不动。He nudged me and pointed to the deer.他用肘碰了我一下,指着那只鹿。We saw a deer dart across the road.我们看到一只鹿飞快地窜过马路。That hunter bagged two deer.那个猎人捕获两只鹿。The deer never became tame; they would run away if you approached them.那些鹿一直没有被驯服:你一靠近,它们就跑开。Bobcat, coyote, bear and deer are frequently seen, with a variety of wildfowl to keep birdwatchers happy.短尾猫、丛林狼、熊和鹿都很常见,还有各种各样的野禽让观鸟者们大饱眼福。The deer was brought down by a single shot.那只鹿被一枪打倒了。 |