例句 |
Whisky mellows with maturity.威士忌酒随着陈化味道变得香醇。The flavour of the cheese mellows the wine.奶酪的味道使酒变得更醇香。The grapes have a dry, earthy character which in time mellows to subtlety and richness.葡萄本来干而无味,最终陈化后变得味浓而醇香。Paths should be laid in a material that is hardwearing but mellows well, such as brick or stone.铺就道路应采用耐用且会变得古香古色的材料,如砖或石头。The slow cooking mellows the flavour beautifully.慢慢烹煮使得味道更加浓郁美味。Once it is properly cooked the flavour mellows.一旦经过适当烹调,味道就变得香醇了。 |