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词汇 mellow
例句 The party got gloriously mellow.那伙人喝得酩酊大醉。His voice was deep and mellow.他的声音深沉而柔和。At the other tables couples were now in a mellow mood, chattering happily and drinking.其他桌上的情侣们正一边饮酒一边畅谈,兴致很高。You're getting all upset over nothing. You need to mellow out.你无缘无故都会变得烦躁。你需要安静放松一下。She wasn't drunk yet, but she was feeling nice and mellow and happy.她还没完全喝醉,只是感觉很舒服,心情轻松愉快。He needs to mellow out a little.他需要稍微放松一下。He gave me a bunch of mellow grapes.他给了我一串甘美的葡萄。She poured him another glass of brandy to keep him in a mellow mood.她又给他倒了杯白兰地,使他保持愉快健谈的心情。Some bosses tend to mellow with lunch and are at their most approachable in the afternoon.有些老板往往一吃午饭情绪变好,在下午显得最为平易近人。He's a very mellow guy.他是个非常悠闲自得的小伙子。People will be able to mellow out over a joint without worrying about getting a criminal record.如果不用担心留下犯罪记录,人们会更轻松镇定地抽大麻烟。The wine needs time to mellow.葡萄酒需要时间才能变得芳醇。The brickwork will mellow over the years so that it blends with the surroundings.这座砖建筑物随着时间的推移会变得古色古香,与周围的环境融为一体。Those lazy days of summer make us want to mellow out.夏天那些慵懒的日子使得我们想好好放松一下。I've seen him grow more mellow over the years.这些年来,我看到他变得更加圆熟了。The red brick had failed to mellow.红砖不会褪色。The coffee is a rich and mellow blend of arabica beans.这种咖啡是味浓芳醇的阿拉比卡咖啡豆磨制的。He'd had a few glasses of champagne and was fairly mellow.他几杯香槟下肚之后变得友好许多。His voice was deep and mellow and his speech had a soothing and comforting quality.他嗓音浑厚,说起话来有一种安慰人心的舒适感。Her voice sounded mellow.她的嗓音听起来很圆润。She was almost hypnotised by his mellow tone of voice.她几乎被他柔和悦耳的语调所陶醉。This wine is very mellow.这种葡萄酒特别芳香醇正。He had grown mellow with age.随着年纪的增长他变得成熟老练。After a few drinks, he became very mellow.几杯酒下肚后,他变得飘飘然起来。After a couple of drinks we all started feeling pretty mellow.几杯酒下肚后,我们都感到飘飘然了。Her personality became more mellow as middle age approached.人到中年,她的性格变得更加成熟了。The house is built of mellow golden sandstone.这座房子是由古色古香的金色砂岩建成的。This is to mellow the flavour and colour of the final juice.这是要使最后的果汁味道更浓郁,色泽更柔和。Caron Wheeler's rich, husky vocal is perfect for the song's mellow soulfulness.卡伦·惠勒深厚沙哑的嗓音最适合表现这首歌的款款深情。They were both looking fairly mellow.他们两个看起来都比较欢快。The voices were rich and mellow.声音柔和圆润。They are at their most mellow at this time of year.每年这时节,这些果子都熟透了。The painting captures the mellow light of a summer evening.这幅画捕捉到夏日夜晚柔和的光。Is she more mellow and tolerant?她更成熟、更宽容吗?




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