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We don't know what will happen in the long term.我们不知道今后长时期内将发生什么事。The region has a long and lamentable history of ethnic fighting.这一地区历史上长时期存在着令人遗憾的种族冲突。I can still picture the house I grew up in.我仍能想象出我成长时期居住的那所房子。This period of growth has no parallel in the history of the region.这个地区的历史中不存在类似的增长时期。The country has suffered through long periods of economic privation.这个国家遭受了长时期的经济匮乏。The most preferable arrangement would be for us to pay very low interest over a long period of time.最合我们心意的安排是在长时期里支付非常低的利息。 |