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词汇 regal
例句 He was dressed in regal purple.他身着王室穿的紫色衣服。The ceremonial occasion was mounted with more regal pomp and circumstance than ever.这次典礼比以往任何一次都更盛大豪华。Never has she looked more regal.她从没有如此雍容华贵过。James watched with regal detachment.詹姆斯用高高在上的冷漠神情注视着。The prince was constantly aware of his regal duties.王子念念不忘王族的责任。He sat with such regal dignity.他端坐在那里,浑身透着王者的威严。He greeted her with a regal inclination of his head.他庄严地向她点头致意。It was a regal banquet.那是一个豪华的宴会。His manner is not so much regal as professorial.他的言行举止不太像帝王,倒更像学者一些。He has a regal bearing. 他举手投足间透出一种主者气派。




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