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词汇 refuses
例句 What does one do when a government simply refuses to listen to the voice of the opposition?.当政府就是不肯听取反对意见时,你该怎么做呢?His girlfriend is in denial, and refuses to admit that he will soon die.他的女友拒不接受事实,不肯相信他很快就要死了。He refuses to relinquish authority over the design process.他拒绝交出对设计过程的控制权。Jeff has a job in mind, but refuses to say directly what it is.杰夫心里想到一份工作,但是不肯直截了当地说出来。She refuses to bad-mouth her colleagues.她拒绝讲她同事的坏话。If he refuses to cooperate, he'll be acting against his own interests. 如果他拒绝合作,那么他是在做对自己不利的事情。He flatly refuses any offers of financial help.他对任何经济帮助都一口拒绝。He flatly refuses to talk about it.他断然拒绝谈论这个问题。He refuses to move on the salary issue.他拒绝在工资问题上让步。If the government refuses to provide aid, it would send out all the wrong signals to the rest of the world.如果政府拒绝提供援助,这将向世界上的其他国家发出错误的信号。If a word is entered incorrectly the machine refuses to obey the command.如果有单词输入不正确,机器便会拒绝接受指令。She still refuses to divorce him.她仍拒绝与他离婚。She refuses to admit to herself that she has a weight problem.她不愿承认自己超重。She refuses to take anything to make her headache better.她拒绝服用任何药物来减轻她的头痛。Although it seems clear that he has lost the election, he still refuses to concede.尽管他的落选似乎已成定局,他仍然拒绝承认败选。He refuses to wear a knee brace.他拒绝戴护膝支架。She refuses to answer questions about her current flame.她拒绝回答关于她现在的恋人的问题。He refuses to take a backseat to anyone. 他不甘屈居人下。A feverish child refuses to eat and asks only for cold drinks.发烧的孩子不愿吃东西,只会要冷饮。The country refuses to participate in talks on nuclear disarmament.这个国家拒绝参加核裁军谈判。If the bank refuses to lend us the money, we're finished!如果银行拒绝借钱,我们就完蛋了! Jeremy refuses to take chances so he is always at the airport hours before the flight time.杰里米不愿冒险,因此他总是在起飞之前几个小时就到达机场。This administration refuses to engage in finger-pointing.这届政府拒绝将问题归咎他人。She refuses to take sides on the issue.在这个问题上她拒绝表态。He refuses to acknowledge her existence/presence.他拒绝同她打招呼。He says that the government will set/establish a dangerous precedent if it refuses to allow the protesters to hold a rally.他说政府如果不允许抗议者举行集会,它将确立一个危险的判例。The Administration refuses to throw a lifeline to the troubled automobile industry.政府拒绝向受困的汽车工业提供帮助。He refuses to compete on Sundays because of his religious beliefs.出于宗教信仰,他拒绝在礼拜天进行比赛。He refuses to answer when asked about his predilections.当被问及他的偏好时,他拒绝回答。She is deaf, but refuses to let her disability prevent her from doing what she wants to do.虽然她的耳朵听不见声音,但她却并没有让这一残疾妨碍她去做自己想做的事情。Despite the loss, the team refuses to wave the white flag and give up on the season.尽管失利,该队还是不愿意就此认输,放弃对这个赛季的希望。He refuses to acknowledge the authority of the court. 他拒绝承认法庭的权威。He refuses to compromise any of his ideals.他不肯放弃任何一个为之奋斗的目标。San Diego's public buildings are falling apart, but the city refuses to do anything about it.圣迭戈的公共建筑都快散架了,该市却袖手旁观。She simply refuses to accept defeat, no matter how bad things seem.不管情况看起来有多糟,她就是不肯认输。Any political system that refuses to allow people to protest becomes a tyranny.不允许人民提出抗议的任何政治制度都会变成暴政统治。He refuses all responsibility for the mistake.他对这一错误拒绝承担任何责任。He refuses to obey the rules.他拒绝遵守规则。He never refuses a drink, does he?他从不拒绝喝一杯,是不是?Anyone who refuses to evacuate is courting disaster. 任何拒绝撤离的人都是在自找苦吃。




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