例句 |
You can't go wrong with a simple black dress.你穿一条朴素的黑连衣裙肯定错不了。There's no mistaking the eastern flavour of the food.这种食品就是东方风味的,绝对错不了。She had an infallible eye for style.在时尚方面她的眼光错不了。He didn't give his name, but the voice was unmistakable.他没有说出自己的名字,但是那个声音错不了。I think I'm safe in saying he would succeed.他会成功,我想我这么说错不了。There is no mistaking his intentions.他的意图很明显,肯定错不了。A pasta book is a foolproof gift for anyone who cooks.把制作意大利面食的书当礼物送给做饭的人都错不了。 |