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词汇 银行
例句 How much money do you have in the bank?你在银行里有多少存款?His banking house had ramifications throughout Europe.他的银行在全欧洲都有分行。She spent four years studying for her law degree. Meanwhile, she continued to work at the bank.她花了四年时间攻读法律学位。与此同时,她继续在银行工作。The banks will not agree to emergency funding unless the government will underwrite the loan.如果政府不为贷款担保,银行就不会同意提供应急资金。The bank has cut interest rates with immediate effect.银行降低利率,即时生效。The business conduct of this bank will be subject to UK rules.这家银行的商业行为将受英国规章条例的约束。Some banks charge if you access your account to determine your balance.一些银行会对登录账号查询余额进行收费。They had to wait till Monday to ring the bank.他们只好等到星期一再给银行打电话。He received verification of the deposit from the bank.他收到了银行的存款确认函。She stashed the money away in the bank.她把钱存进了银行Most of the money was in storage in bank vaults.大部分钱存放在银行金库中。The former chairman was a key player in the deals that pushed the bank to the top.前主席是达成把那家银行推向顶峰的一系列协议的关键人物。Banks have been slow to increase their lending at year end.在财政年底,银行增加贷款的速度很慢。For your convenience, the bank is open until 7 p.m.为了方便大家,本银行营业到晚上七点。The bank charges a commission on all foreign currency transactions.银行对所有的外汇交易收取手续费。The bank invests a lot of money in the tobacco industry: do you think it's right for them to do that?银行在烟草工业上投资了很多钱,你觉得他们那样做对吗?The bank closed my account without my authority.银行未经我本人授权便把我的账户注销了。Many people stick with their banks regardless of whether they offer the best deal.不管原来的银行提出的条件是不是最好,许多人都不愿意换银行The banks were unanimous in welcoming the news.银行一致欢迎这个消息。Some banks will charge a fee if you go over your credit limit. 如果花费超过了信用额度,有些银行将会收取额外费用。The bank hotly denies any wrongdoing.银行断然否认有任何违规行为。Visitors are often surprised by the opulence of the bank's offices.来访者常常惊讶于这家银行办公室的豪华。The bank charges a fixed rate for each transaction.银行对每一笔业务都收取统一费用。The hackers' actions are a clear and present danger to our banking system.黑客的行为对我们的银行系统来说是一个明摆着的危险。I have closed my account at that bank.我已关停了我在该银行的帐户。Banks and businesses are quickly reviving business activities in China.各家银行和公司正快速恢复其在中国的业务活动。The big banks have been accused of exploiting small firms.大型银行被指责剥削小企业。I must get in touch with the bank and arrange an overdraft.我必须和银行联系安排透支的事。I've got to drop by the bank to get some money.我得顺便到银行去取点钱。Some bank staff could be lining their pockets from customers' accounts.可能有银行职工在利用客户账户中饱私囊。Robbers held up a bank at gunpoint.强盗持枪抢劫了一家银行The main investor in the project is the French bank Credit National.该项目的主要投资商是法国的国民信贷银行Our paychecks are deposited in/into the bank automatically.我们的收入自动存入银行Rather than brickbats, the bank deserves applause.该家银行应该得到称赞而非谴责。The bank isn't performing as well as some of its competitors.这家银行表现得不如几家竞争对手出色。In the hold-up, a masked youth threatened the bank staff with a gun.在这一抢劫事件中,一个蒙面的年轻歹徒用枪威胁银行的职员。She keeps her jewelry in the bank's vault.她将自己的首饰存放在银行保险库内。Banks and shops closed yesterday amid growing fears of terrorist violence.银行和商店昨天在对恐怖暴力不断加剧的惶恐中关门了。The bank can seize the asset in the event of a default in payment.如果拖欠付款的话,银行可以没收该项资产。The bank will investigate the circumstances surrounding the robbery.银行要调查这桩抢劫案的相关情况。




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