例句 |
A stand-in drummer bashes on a single snare and a pair of cymbals.一名临时顶替的鼓手使劲敲着一根响弦和一对铙钹。He ended the song with a crash of cymbals.他以一记响亮的铙钹声结束了歌唱。He crashed the cymbals together.他把铙钹敲得铛铛响。Suddenly, cymbals crashed and the orchestra began playing.突然,铙钹声砰然响起,乐队开始了演奏。She struck the cymbals together.她将两片铙钹互相撞击。She ended the song by clashing the cymbals.她击响铙钹,一曲终了。The cymbals clashed.铙钹锵锵作响。The piece ends with a cymbal crash.这支曲子以铙钹的一声敲击结束。 |