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Her new diamond engagement ring was on parade for all her friends to stare at.她的新订婚钻戒被展示给所有朋友端详。Her shoulders were graced with mink and her fingers sparkled with diamonds.肩上披着的貂皮衬托得她更加优雅,手上的钻戒则光彩夺目。Her husband gave her a diamond for her birthday.她过生日时,丈夫送给她一枚钻戒。A large diamond glinted on her finger.她手指上一颗硕大的钻戒闪闪发光。He gave her a diamond ring to signify his love.他送给她一枚钻戒表达爱意。She was forced to pawn her diamond ring.她被迫典当了钻戒。That's a whopper of a diamond ring.那是一枚超大钻戒。Look at the size of that rock on her finger.瞧她手指上那颗大钻戒。He gave her a hugely expensive diamond ring.他送给她一枚十分昂贵的钻戒。I splurged the extra money on a diamond ring.我把这笔外快毫不在乎地用来购买一只钻戒。She will hand the diamond ring down to her niece.她将把这枚钻戒传给侄女。She will pass down her diamond ring to her niece.她将把钻戒传给侄女。The engaged girl wore a diamond ring.那位已订婚的姑娘戴着钻戒。My diamond ring is up the spout.我的钻戒当掉了。He bought me a valuable diamond ring as a birthday present.他给我买了一只贵重的钻戒作生日礼物。 |