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词汇 钓鱼
例句 Fishing is an enjoyable pastime for people of all ages.钓鱼是各个年龄段的人都喜欢的消遣。He likes to hunt and fish.他喜欢打猎和钓鱼Fishing will be easier as the river fines down after the recent heavy rain.暴雨过后随着河水回落,钓鱼就会更容易一些。The camp offers hiking, fishing, canoeing, and boating.营地里有远足、钓鱼、划独木舟和划船活动。Roundhay Park in Leeds was the place I first got the fishing bug.利兹市的朗德海公园是我首次对钓鱼着迷的地方。She enjoys hiking, boating, and fishing.她喜欢远足、划船和钓鱼Some people think it's a stretch to call fishing a sport.有些人认为把钓鱼称作一项运动有些牵强。My hobby is fishing.我的业余爱好是钓鱼They can go fishing in the lake.他们可以去湖里钓鱼He drew/made an analogy between flying a kite and fishing. 他将放风筝和钓鱼进行了类比。Fishing on this river is forbidden under a local bylaw.当地法规禁止在这条河里钓鱼On Saturday we fished the River Arno.周六我们在阿尔诺河钓鱼His hobbies include hunting and fishing.他的爱好包括打猎和钓鱼He hunts and fishes for sport. 他把打猎和钓鱼当作体育锻炼。Fishing camps are located all along the river.钓鱼营地都驻扎在河边。A man was fishing on the opposite bank.一名男子在对面河岸上钓鱼Fishing is prohibited.禁止钓鱼They stood on the river bank to fish.他们站在河岸边钓鱼Fishing rights are held by the local angling club.当地钓鱼俱乐部掌握钓鱼权。We had good/bad luck fishing.我们钓鱼时运气很好/不好。Mother was afraid we would get sunstroke while fishing on such a hot day.母亲担心我们这么热的天钓鱼会中暑。The hotel stood by a lake, where the wealthy went to go fishing or pigeon shooting.酒店坐落在湖边,有钱人上那儿钓鱼、打泥鸽。My father's great love was fishing.我父亲非常热爱钓鱼Fishing is an art.钓鱼是一门技术。Fishing is the principal sport of the riverside people.钓鱼是生活在河边人们的主要消遣。Fishing is one of his hobbies.钓鱼是他的一项业余爱好。I've spent many a happy morning fishing from this spot.有许多个早上,我都在这个地方钓鱼,享受快乐的时光。Fishing is said to be the most popular participatory sport in the U.K.钓鱼据说是英国最受欢迎的参与式体育活动。They fish off the Wanganui coastline.他们在离旺阿努伊海岸线不远的海上钓鱼A permit is required for fishing in the canal.在运河中钓鱼要有许可证。People were fishing off the pier.人们在码头附近钓鱼An expert angler was casting his line and catching a fish every time.钓鱼高手每次抛钓线都能钓上鱼。Uncle Joe showed me the best place to go fishing.乔叔叔告诉我哪儿钓鱼最好。When it comes to fishing, he's very serious. = He's very serious about fishing.一提起钓鱼,他就来劲。The camp offered bicycle tours, river rafting, fishing, and hiking.营地提供自行车游览、河流漂流、钓鱼和登山活动。Dad and I went fishing and we caught a couple of beauties.我和爸爸一起去钓鱼,钓到了好几条大鱼。I don't think I can top your fishing story.我觉得我的故事不会比你的钓鱼故事更精彩。Above all, fishing requires great patience.最重要的是,钓鱼需要极大的耐心。One of the most basic requirements for any form of angling is a sharp hook.不管以什么方式钓鱼,有一个锋利的鱼钩都是最基本的要求之一。Fishing in the Bay of Islands is up with the very best.在岛屿湾钓鱼是最惬意的事。




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