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Reagan's views were shared by a majority of the American people.大多数美国人同意里根的看法。Internationally Reagan attracted odium for his militarism.里根因为穷兵黩武招致国际反感。Horrigan was typical of the new-generation executive Sticht had brought into the company.霍里根是施蒂希特引入公司的新一代主管的典型代表。Reagan went down in public esteem.里根的声望下降了。I was going to vote for him, but I changed my mind and voted for Reagan.我原本准备投他的票,后来却改变了主意,把票投给了里根。Reagan's presidency may prove to have been the high watermark of the US-Israeli alliance.里根任期也许是美国和以色列联盟最紧密的时期。Reagan appealed to the average American's sense of nostalgia for a golden age.里根激发普通美国人对黄金时代的怀旧感。Milligan's anarchic humour has always had the power to offend as well as entertain.米里根幽默起来从来是毫无顾忌,让人既生气又好笑。We studied U.S. foreign policy in/during the Reagan Administration. 我们研究里根政府时的美国对外政策。Many Democrats were in sympathy with Reagan's policies on Nicaragua.许多民主党人士都支持里根对尼加拉瓜的政策。The Reagan view differed radically.里根政府的看法完全不同。The speech was a devastating critique of Reagan's economic policy.这次演说是对里根的经济政策的猛烈抨击。His increasing alignment with the Reagan administration nearly cost him re-election.与里根政府日益紧密的关系差点让他失去了连任的机会。Mr Reagan was showered with glass.里根先生被溅了一身的碎玻璃。President Reagan left an indelible stamp on the nation.里根总统给国家留下了不可磨灭的烙印。Mrs Reagan was widely regarded as the President's alter ego.里根夫人被普遍认为是里根总统的知己。Her book blew the lid off the Reagan years.她的书揭露了里根当政时期的内幕。President Reagan won by a landslide.里根总统以压倒性多数票获胜。Carter and Reagan had come into politics relatively late in life.卡特和里根从政相对较晚。Reagan was too far gone to attend.里根病情过重,已回天乏术。Reagan was serving his second term as President at the time.里根当时正在他的第二届总统任期内。The new building is going to be named for Ronald Reagan.这幢新大楼将以罗纳德·里根的名字命名。He was the U.S. Secretary of Transportation under President Reagan.里根总统时期,他是美国的交通部长。Reagan's speech was met with incredulity in the US.里根的演讲在美国遭到了质疑。Weinberger was an advisor to former president Ronald Reagan.温伯格是前总统罗纳德·里根的顾问。Horrigan launched into a speech about the importance of new projects.霍里根就新项目的重要性慷慨陈词。Who was the next president of the United States after Ronald Reagan?继罗纳德·里根之后的下一位美国总统是谁?Carrigan smiled submissively and did what he was told.卡里根恭顺地笑着,照吩咐的去做了。He and Reagan struck all the right sparks off each other.他和里根彼此很投机,碰撞出有趣的火花。Reagan's plan was a bold one, but it was not well thought out.里根的计划很大胆,但没有经过仔细考虑。 |