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词汇 不快
例句 Their argument cast a pall on the party. 他们的争吵使聚会的气氛有些不快He has this enviable ability to ignore everything that's unpleasant in life.他有这种令人羡慕的本事,能够不去理睬生活中的种种不快There is great danger of a split in the party if a competent leader is not found soon.如果不快点找到一位称职的领导,党内将很有可能出现分化的危险。This programme contains language that some viewers might find offensive.这个节目使用了某些观众可能觉得不快的语言。I perceived a note of unhappiness in her voice.我从她的声音中觉察出一丝不快A Paisley resident would take it amiss to be thought of as a Glaswegian.佩斯利居民对被人看作格拉斯哥人很不快Many are downright unhappy with it.对于那件事许多人极为不快This is a major irritation to commuters.这是令通勤者最为不快的事。It may not be fast, but it's reliable.它可能速度不快,但是可靠。You're late again, Chris! You'll be in trouble if you don't get your act together soon.你又迟到了,克里斯!你要是还不快点加把劲,就会有麻烦。I can't run very fast.我跑不快Marilyn was like a child, playful and skittish one moment, sulky and withdrawn the next.玛丽莲真像个孩子,一会儿顽皮活泼,一会儿又会怏怏不快、沉默不语。It rather annoyed me that he was late picking me up.他来接我时迟到了,真让人不快He is in a pleasant/foul temper.他心情愉快/不快The remembrance of his loss seemed to darken his mood.回想起他的损失似乎让他心情不快She was soured by his indifference.她因他的冷漠而变得不快She was evidently upset by what she saw.她显然对所见到的事情感到不快Children seem to get over things very quickly.儿童似乎很快就能从不快中恢复过来。She wrinkled her nose, piqued by his total lack of enthusiasm.她皱皱鼻子,为他毫无热情而感到不快Barry had his nose put out of joint by Lucy's aloof sophistication.露西的冷淡与世故使得巴里十分不快She was made uncomfortable by his veiled allusion to the previous night.他对头天晚上的事闪烁其词令她感到不快This watch neither gains nor loses.这表走得既不快也不慢。Their guests took advantage of their generosity, overstaying their welcome by several days.客人们借着主人的慷慨又多住了几天,让主人感到不快If we don't leave soon, we're going to miss our bus.如果我们不快点走,我们就赶不上公共汽车了。I was unpleasantly surprised to discover that I couldn't find my keys.我惊讶地发现我找不到钥匙了,心里非常不快His official airs offended her.他那付官架子令她十分不快The decision did not sit well with him. 他对此决定感到不快The shop floor is upset about it.工人们对此感到不快You'll miss your flight if you don't hurry up.如果你不快点,会误了飞机的。His tactless words had incurred his father's deep displeasure.他不得体的话语使他父亲感到十分不快These are absolutists whom conciliation disgusts and moderation offends.这些人是绝对主义者,调解会令他们厌恶,中庸会令他们不快He looked offended when you called him middle-aged.你称他为中年人时,他看上去有些不快I realise now that the things which used to niggle and annoy me just don't really matter.我现在意识到那些曾令我烦恼不快的事情其实无关紧要。She's obviously deeply upset by his comments.他的评论明显让她大为不快She's been very depressed and upset about this whole situation.她对整个情形感到极其沮丧和不快His superior manner jars on me.他那高高在上的样子令我不快I have a nasty suspicion he's organized a surprise party for me.我有种不快的感觉,怀疑他为我组织了惊喜晚会。I'm offended by his implication that women can't be good at mathematics.他暗指女性不擅长数学,这令我非常不快Debbie was upset that he didn't spend more time with her.他没有花更多的时间陪自己,黛比觉得不快The overall feeling was a strange mixture of sensations, not altogether unpleasant.总的感觉很奇怪,五味杂陈,并不只是不快




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