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He described the deception as a cruel hoax.他将这一欺骗描述成残忍的恶作剧。Each knew those lives would be saved, if the fragile dyke of deception held.每个人都知道如果那个不堪一击的骗局没有捅破的话,那些生命就不会失去。She didn't have the courage to admit to her deception.她没有勇气承认自己的欺骗行为。I'm sure many businessmen use some form of deception, at times, to achieve their objectives.我肯定许多商人有时候为了达到目的会使用某种欺骗手段。The article describes the government's use of deception to gain public support for the program.文章讲述了政府为获得公众对这一计划的支持而采取的欺骗行为。Haskell did not live to discover the deception.哈斯克尔至死都没有识破这一骗局。He admitted conspiring to obtain property by deception.他承认曾密谋诈骗财产。His lies and deception shattered my trust in him.他的谎言和欺骗完全破坏了我对他的信任。They were caught in a net of deception.他们陷入了欺骗的圈套。She was stunned by the lies and deception her husband had used to hide his affairs.她丈夫为掩饰婚外情而说的谎话以及欺骗手段使她感到震惊。She was charged with obtaining property by deception.她被控诈骗财产。He was jailed for two years for fraud and deception.他因为诈骗和欺诈入狱服刑两年。She accuses the company of willful deception in its advertising.她指责这家公司的广告中有蓄意欺骗行为。The deception of the magician's audience was almost complete.看魔术师表演的观众几乎完全受骗了。Her latest literary offering is full of tales of murder and deception.她的文学新作充斥着谋杀和欺骗。I felt certain she was a party to his deception.我觉得她肯定是他欺诈行为的同谋。They attempted to practice deception on the public.他们企图蒙骗公众耳目。Detectives followed him for months hoping to catch him out in some deception.侦探们跟踪了他几个月,希望能当场抓住他行骗。He'll use deception to get what he wants.他会使用欺骗手段来得到他想要的东西。Human beings have an infinite capacity for self-deception.人类自欺的本事是无穷的。He was accused of obtaining money by deception.他被指控骗钱。My heart sunk again on viewing the inextricable complexity of this deception.看到这个骗局的错综复杂,我的心又沉了下来。He was found guilty of obtaining money by deception.他骗取钱财的罪名被判成立。Although his deception had been discovered, he decided to brazen it out.虽然他的骗术已被人发现,他仍决定厚著脸皮挺住。He conceals his background, a deception which rebounds on him.他隐藏了自己的身世,最终却使自己吃了苦头。She practiced deception on her unsuspecting clients. 她欺骗了毫无戒备心的顾客。You've been the victim of a rather cruel deception.你是一场相当残忍的骗局的受害者。His claim to be an important and unjustly neglected painter is sheer self-deception - he's no good at all.他自称是位被无端埋没的伟大画家,这纯粹是自欺欺人——他根本就一无是处。His conscience didn't even prick at the deception.如此行骗,他的良心甚至无丝毫的不安。What began as a misunderstanding quickly became a deliberate deception on the part of the network.开始时的误会很快就演变成了网络上的一场故意欺骗了。It would be self-deception to think that unemployment could be pushed under the carpet.认为失业问题可以被掩盖起来是自欺欺人。She denies obtaining a pecuniary advantage by deception.她否认通过欺骗手段获得经济利益。He admitted obtaining the drugs by deception.他承认曾通过欺诈手段获得药品。He wasn't sure whether it was an act of carelessness or an act of outright deception.他拿不准这是疏忽大意之举还是彻头彻尾的欺骗行为。You've been the victim of a cruel deception.你成了这场残忍骗局的受害者。She failed to see through his deception.她没有看穿他的骗术。His father had at last discovered the extent of Leo's inefficiency and self-deception.他父亲终于发现了利奥如何碌碌无为和自欺欺人。The world of politics is a world of deception and intrigue.政界是一个尔虞我诈、充满阴谋诡计的世界。His elaborate deception fooled everyone.他这个精心策划的骗局愚弄了所有人。You must forgive my little deception.你一定要原谅我小小的诡计。 |