例句 |
After the war, prisoners were repatriated.战后,战俘被遣返回国。Countries are required to repatriate prisoners of war when conflict has ended.战斗结束后,各国必须把战俘遣返回国。There's a law to protect refugees from forcible return to countries where they face persecution.有法律保护难民,以免他们被强行遣返回国遭受迫害。Before they were repatriated, they sold all their possessions, lock, stock, and barrel.他们被遣返回国之前,把全部财产统统变卖了。Prisoners of war were repatriated.战俘被遣返回国。Those who did not qualify as refugees were returned to their home countries.那些不符合难民资格的人被遣返回国了。 |