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In one room, young mothers weave while babies doze in their laps.在一间屋子里,年轻的母亲们在织布,而她们的孩子就在她们膝上打盹。There was one pool dedicated to adults who wanted to swim laps in peace.有一个泳池专供那些想不受打扰游完全程的成人使用。The students rested the books in/on their laps.学生们把书搁在大腿上。She ran a few laps around the track before the race.比赛开始前,她绕跑道跑了几圈。The first two laps took most of the run out of him.跑完头两圈他几乎就没力气了。He was swimming laps in the pool.他正在泳池里一圈一圈地游。He's fallen two laps behind the leaders.他已经落后领先者两圈了。Young mothers weave while babies doze in their laps.年轻的母亲们趁着孩子在她们膝上打盹儿的功夫织布。He dropped out of the race with a pulled muscle after two laps.他在跑完两圈后因肌肉拉伤退出了比赛。The Italians set the pace for the first eight laps.前八圈意大利队一马当先。I swam ten laps.我在泳池里游了五个来回。I ran ten laps.我跑了十圈。Beattie led for several laps before he was overhauled by Itoh.比蒂在被伊藤赶超之前曾有几圈处于领先。The red car is about two laps off the pace.那辆红车比领头车落后了约两圈。The race consists of six laps of the track.这次赛跑要绕跑道跑六圈。 |