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例句 They distill the whiskey from malted barley.他们通过蒸馏大麦芽制作威士忌酒。What we now know about the disease was learned by careful study of diseased organs.我们目前对该疾病的认识是通过对病变器官的仔细研究得来的。Dentists claim the Government is privatising dentistry through the back door.牙医声称政府正通过暗箱操作将牙医业私有化。He started his research by pulling together all the available data.通过搜集所有可获得的数据开始自己的研究。The government has dreamed up some cockeyed scheme for getting unemployed youngsters back into work.政府凭空想出某个荒谬的计划,想通过它让失业青年重新找到工作。They made him tell the truth by depriving him of food.他们通过不给他东西来吃强迫他说出真相。I scanned in some photographs of the family to send to friends by email.我扫描了一些家人的照片,通过电子邮件发送给朋友。To improve the quality of life through work, two complementary strategies are necessary.通过工作提高生活质量,需要两个相辅相成的策略。There's a lot of red tape to get through first.首先要通过许多繁琐的手续。President Roosevelt reformed a rotten banking system and put the country back to work with his New Deal.通过新政,罗斯福总统改革了腐朽的银行体系,使国家走上了正轨。As part of the experiment, students manipulated light and temperature to see how it affected the plants.作为实验的一部分,学生们通过控制光和温度来观察它如何影响植物。The customs officer at the border waved us through.边境的海关官员挥手叫我们通过Through the open doorway, he could hear someone singing softly.通过开着的门,他听到里面有人在轻声地唱着歌。As air passes over our vocal cords, it makes them vibrate.气流通过我们的声带,使之产生振动。Gradually, with an intelligent use of flashbacks, Yves' story unravels.通过巧妙运用倒叙手法,伊夫的故事慢慢呈现出来。The bill was passed by a single vote.议案经一次投票而通过The United Nations should take the lead in the diplomatic drive to bring stability to this country.联合国应该带头通过外交途径给这个国家带来稳定局面。He tried to use argumentation to convince his opponents, rather than force.他试图通过说理而不是暴力来说服对手。Refuelling cargo planes in mid-air saves valuable time in shipping matériel to the front.通过给货机空中加油可以在将军需物品送往前线时节省宝贵的时间。By some statistical sleight of hand the government has produced figures showing that unemployment has recently fallen.通过在统计数字上耍些手腕,政府弄出了一些显示最近失业率下降的数字。The virus was spammed to millions of people.这种病毒通过群发的垃圾邮件传给了数百万用户。The juice is extracted by centrifugal force.果汁是通过离心力榨取的。A law was passed to protect alien property.通过了一项法律保护外国侨民的财产。We try to boost our energy by eating.我们试图通过吃东西来增强体力。I passed history but failed chemistry.通过了历史考试,但化学考试没及格。By investing in efficient plant it could generate lots of valuable carbon credits to sell to wealthier, more wasteful nations.通过投资高效能的工厂,它可以节余很多宝贵的碳信用额来出售给更富有、更浪费的国家。He pays for his insurance by automatic payroll deduction. 通过工资自动扣除方式缴纳保险金。Companies should protect their intellectual property with patents and trademarks.公司应该通过申请专利和注册商标保护自己的知识产权。It has survived by cutting its costs to the bone.通过最大限度降低成本生存了下来。They earned thousands of dollars on resales of the baseball tickets.他们通过转售棒球票赚了数千美元。She couldn't let that pass unchallenged.她不能让它无异议地通过The rebels aimed to overthrow the government through protracted guerrilla warfare.叛乱分子的目标是通过持久的游击战来推翻政府。The virus is easily transmitted via needles.这种病毒很容易通过针头传播。He studied for the bar exam all year, and he still didn't pass.他为律师资格考试准备了一整年,可还是没有通过Most viruses are spread over the Internet.大多数计算机病毒是通过因特网传播的。She nursed her brother through his university examinations.她悉心帮助弟弟,使他通过了大学的各门考试。He says that he keeps fit by marathon running.他说他通过跑马拉松健身。I have no expectation that the resolution would be passed.我预计那决议案不会通过Many caravans are let by private individuals through adverts in papers or shop windows.很多活动房车由私人通过报纸或商店橱窗做广告出租。By investing in real estate, he was one of the richest men in the United States.通过投资房地产,他成为美国最富有的人之一。




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