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词汇 death penalty
例句 Parliament voted to abolish the death penalty.议会投票决定废除死刑。The preponderance of our citizens is against the abolishment of the death penalty.我们国民中大多数人是反对废止死刑的。His most significant political achievement was the abolition of the death penalty.他政治上的最大成就是废除了死刑。He believes that death penalty will be repealed sooner or later.他相信死刑早晚会被废除。If convicted, they face the death penalty.一旦被认定有罪,他们将面临死刑。In some countries, murder carries the death penalty.在有些国家,谋杀要被判死刑。One of those arrested could face the death penalty.被逮捕者中有一人可能被判死刑。The House of Commons has overwhelmingly rejected demands to bring back the death penalty for murder.下议院已以压倒性的投票驳回了恢复对谋杀罪处以死刑的要求。This is surely the best argument against the death penalty.这是反对死刑的最佳论点。It is easy to have an opinion on a moral issue like the death penalty for murder.对谋杀罪判死刑这样的道德问题,有个观点是很容易的。Three Britons are facing the death penalty for spying.三名英国人因间谍罪而面临死刑。The House of Commons has overwhelmingly rejected demands to bring back the death penalty for murder.下议院以绝对多数否决了对谋杀罪恢复死刑的要求。Many people oppose the death penalty because of the possibility of miscarriages of justice.许多人反对死刑,因为存在误判的可能。It was a crime of espionage and carried the death penalty.这是间谍罪,应判死刑。The human rights group has called on the US to end the death penalty.人权组织要求美国终止死刑。Support for the death penalty has been slipping.人们对死刑的支持一直在下降。Thirteen people have been charged with treason, an offence that can carry the death penalty.十三人因叛国罪被起诉,该罪行能够判处死刑。The deterrent effect of the death penalty has long been questioned.死刑的威慑作用长期以来受到质疑。They argued over whether the death penalty is an effective deterrent to murder.他们争论死刑是否可以有效制止谋杀的发生。If convicted for murder, both youngsters could face the death penalty.如果谋杀罪名成立,这两个年轻人都可能会被判处死刑。The prosecutors have warned they will seek the death penalty.原告警告说他们将主张死刑判决。Bringing back the death penalty has done absolutely nothing to reduce crime.恢复死刑对于减少犯罪根本无济于事。Most of us are opposed to the death penalty.我们大多数人都反对死刑。The death penalty was never restored.死刑从来没有被恢复。The ringleaders are likely to face the death penalty.罪犯头目很可能要被处死。We had a furious debate about the death penalty.我们就死刑问题吵了个天翻地覆。The House of Commons has overwhelmingly rejected calls to bring back the death penalty for murder.下议院以压倒性的多数驳回了对谋杀罪恢复死刑判决的呼吁。She would like to see the return of the death penalty in Britain.她希望英国恢复死刑。The death penalty is political dynamite.死刑是一个引起争论的政治话题。We consider the death penalty to be barbaric.我们认为死刑是残忍的。Britain, in common with other European countries, has abolished the death penalty.英国和其他欧洲国家一样已经废除了死刑。If convicted, he could face the death penalty. 如果被判有罪,他可能面临死刑。The judge took his extenuating circumstances into consideration and spared him the death penalty.法官考虑他的一些情有可原的状况,而免除他的死刑。The death penalty was never restored.再也没有恢复死刑。She is staunchly opposed to the death penalty.她坚决反对死刑。Experts do not agree about whether the death penalty acts as a deterrent.专家们对于死刑是否起到威慑作用看法不一。The House of Commons is to debate once again whether to bring back the death penalty.下议院将再次就是否恢复死刑展开辩论。I don't believe in the death penalty, so I'm afraid I must part company with you there. 我不支持死刑,所以恐怕在这个问题上我和你的意见有分歧。He is known for his reactionary views on immigration and the reintroduction of the death penalty.他因在移民问题和恢复死刑问题上态度保守而闻名。The death penalty does not exist in Britain.英国没有死刑。




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