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例句 He invested all our profits in gold shares.他把我们所有的收益都投到了黄金股上。Many bombs were dropped on the city during the war.战争期间许多炸弹投到了这座城市。We can't go on putting more and more taxpayers' money into these projects without giving them some results.我们不能不断地把纳税者的钱越来越多地投到这些工程里,又拿不出什么结果来。The money from her dowry was invested in her mother's store.她的嫁妆钱都投到了母亲的铺子里。Most of the bombs fell in the south.多数炸弹投到了南方。They ploughed all their savings into their daughter's business.他们将所有的积蓄都投到了女儿的生意里。The shortstop gunned the ball to first base.游击手猛地将球投到了一垒。She pays into the employees' pension scheme.她把钱投到员工们的退休金方案中去。On the way to work, I dropped my letters in the corner mailbox.上班路上,我把信投到拐角处的邮筒里了。A huge tonnage of bombs has already been dropped on the area.巨大吨数的炸弹已被投到该地区。Everything that Jim puts into the pension is fully tax relievable.吉姆投到退休金中的所有钱都是完全免税的。He believed in putting his money into conservative but secure investments.他认定应当把钱投到保守但可靠的投资项目中。She is projecting her anger on you as a defense mechanism.作为一种防卫机制,她把自己的愤怒转投到了你身上。No one's going to put money into the company while the market is so unstable.市场这么不稳定,没人会把钱投到这家公司的。You put your money in the machine and, presto, the coffee comes out!把钱投到机器里,嘿,咖啡就出来了!They bet the budget on the housing market and then blundered the bet.他们把专项经费投到了房产市场,结果赔得一塌糊涂。She has her savings in stocks.她将积蓄投到了股市中。He had pumped all his savings into the business.他已经把全部积蓄都投到了这笔生意上。Bombs were dropped on the enemy position.炸弹被投到了敌人的阵地。You put your money in the machine and, hey presto, the coffee comes out!把钱投到机器里,嘿,咖啡就出来了!There is a clause in the contract that prevents executives going over to the competition.合同中有一条款用以防止行政人员转投到竞争对手那里。They sank their entire savings into their house.他们把全部存款都投到他们的房子上了。Money would be better spent training members of the public in life support skills such as the kiss of life.可以把钱投到训练公众提高急救技能上面,比如掌握人工呼吸方法,这样钱会花得更有价值。




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