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例句 Ryan pitched a curve ball which easily beat the batter.瑞安投出一个弧线球,轻易就骗过了击球手。The vice president will cast the deciding vote.副总裁将投出决定性的一票。After a few warm-up tosses, he put the shot 63 feet 6 inches.几次试掷之后,他把铅球投出六十三英尺六英寸远。The quarterback threw a deep pass into the end zone.四分卫投出一个长传到端区。The quarterback threw a bullet to the receiver.四分卫向接球手投出一个高速球。The shortstop made a wild throw to first base.这名游击手向一垒投出了一记暴投。Doctors yesterday delivered an overwhelming vote of no confidence in controversial health service shake-ups.对于备受争议的公共医疗卫生服务体系的改革整顿举措,昨天医生们投出了压倒多数的不信任票。He threw his curveball in non-curveball counts and had us off-balance a bit.他都在我们认为不可能的时候投出弧线球,这令我们有点手足无措。The pitcher threw a fastball.投手挥动手臂,投出一个快球。They did not pitch a single ball on the stumps.他们一个击中门柱的球都没有投出The new pitcher made a great play on that throw to first base.新投手向一垒投出了精彩的一球。That was a good delivery from Thompson.那是汤姆森投出的一个好球。He pitched a no-hit game today.他今天投出了一场无安打比赛。David killed Goliath with a stone from his sling.大卫用投石环索投出石块将歌利亚击毙。He throws a wicked fastball.投出一个精彩的快球。He pitched a gem of a game.投出了比赛中最漂亮的一球。The trees threw long shadows in the moonlight.在月光下,树木投出了长长的影子。He pitched a no-hitter.投出一场无安打。He smashed a wrench into the face of the hijacker.他猛力投出一把扳手,击中了那劫机者的脸。He unloaded on the pitch and drove it over the right field wall.他一记大力投球,把球投出了右外场墙外。He threw the ball overarm.他手举过肩将球投出He threw the bowling ball.投出保龄球。The pitcher threw a hard fastball.投手用力投出了一个快速球。He delivered a fastball right over the plate.投出一记正好越过本垒板的快球。The pitcher threw him a curve.投手朝他投出一个曲线球。




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