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词汇 ruffle
例句 I could tell that my refusal to allow him to ruffle me infuriated him.我能看出,我不吃他那一套让他很恼火。She knows how to ruffle his feathers.她知道怎样去惹他发火。Nothing could ruffle his composure.没有什么能让他慌乱。Tame birds, when approached, will ruffle their neck feathering.驯养的鸟儿在有人靠近时会竖起颈毛。Don't let him ruffle you.别让他打扰你。Nothing seems to ruffle her.好像没有什么能打扰她。The dress has a ruffle around the collar.这条连衣裙的领子上有一道褶裥饰边。Nothing appeared to ruffle his calm.好像什么都打扰不了他的平静。His abrasive approach will ruffle a few feathers.他粗鲁的办事方式会激怒一些人。Their dispositions ruffle perceptibly.他们的情绪变化能被觉察到。You ruffle too easily.你太容易激动了。I agreed to do what they wanted because I didn't want to ruffle any feathers.我同意做他们要我做的事,因为我不想得罪任何人。Its body plumage suddenly began to ruffle and swell.它全身的羽毛突然竖了起来,胀得鼓鼓的。She's learned not to let all the jokes ruffle her.她学会了不随便因玩笑发怒。Nothing could ruffle her perfect composure.没有什么能扰乱她的泰然自若。Tame birds, when approached, will stretch out their necks and ruffle their neck feathering.驯养的鸟儿在有人靠近时会伸长脖子,竖起颈羽。Politicians are usually careful not to ruffle the feathers of their constituents.政治家们通常都很小心,避免激怒了他们的选民。His direct, often abrasive approach will doubtless ruffle a few feathers.他那直截了当、往往还粗鲁生硬的办事方式无疑会激怒一些人。Nothing could ruffle the perfect composure with which she casually greets members of staff.什么都不能扰乱她随意地和员工打招呼时流露出的那种镇定自若。Don't ruffle the tablecloth – I just ironed it.别把桌布弄皱了,我才把它熨好。He would allow her to ruffle his coat.他会任凭她弄皱他的外套。




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