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例句 Jean belongs in the movies.适合于拍电影。Dress neatly and attractively in an outfit appropriate to the job.着装要整洁美观,适合于这份工作。The house will do for a school.那幢房子适合于作学校。His observations are, indeed, apposite to the present discussion. 他的评论的确适合于当前的讨论。Is it a house fit for human habitation?这是幢适合于人居住的房子吗? The campus environment was accepting of radical politics.当时大学校园的环境适合于激进派的政治。It is a fitting evening for a dance.这是个适合于跳舞的夜晚。The topic lends itself to class discussion.这个题目适合于课堂讨论。Despite what the antis would tell you, hunting is for people from all walks of life.不管持反对意见的人将告诉你什么,狩猎适合于各个阶层的人。This offer is open to all comers, so long as they own a home.该条件适合于有住宅的所有申请者。The course is suitable for beginners and advanced students.这门课程适合于初学者和高级学习者。




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