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词汇 迪克
例句 She is livid that I have invited Dick.她因为我请了迪克而大发雷霆。There's no streaming at St Benedict's school.圣贝尼迪克特学校不分高低班。How did Bob start his feud with Dick?鲍勃是怎样和迪克开始争吵起来的? Dick's had a bad injury, and it's probably smart of him not to play sports for a while.迪克受了重伤,一段时间里不参加体育活动对他也许是个明智的做法。Dick said that he hated Fred's guts.迪克说他对弗雷德恨之入骨。Dick was stripped to his briefs.迪克被剥得只剩条三角裤。Where's Dick? I've got a message for him.迪克在哪儿?我有消息要告诉他。This album is full of snapshots of Dick and Jack.这相簿全是迪克和杰克的快照。I don't think Dick will ever manage to slake his lust for power.我认为迪克对权力的欲望永远也不会得到满足。I had an interesting conversation with Dick Wortley.我和迪克・沃特利进行了一次很有意思的交谈。Dick thought he had the job sewed up, but another boy got it.迪克以为他稳可获得那份工作,不料竟为另一男孩所得。Dick squeaked by the finals.迪克勉强通过了期终考试。Dick fell for baseball when he was a little boy.迪克还是小孩时就迷上棒球了。I'm sure Dick will be tickled pink to see you.我相信迪克见到你会乐坏的。Dick just sat there with a sullen expression on his face, refusing to speak.迪克就坐在那儿,面带愠色,话也不愿意说。Benedict's voice tailed off, then resumed.贝内迪克特的声音渐渐小到快听不见时又大了起来。I wasn't asking for your opinion, Dick.我并不是在征求你的意见,迪克Dick acts like a gentleman.迪克的举止如同绅士。As soon as I met Dick, he entranced me because he has a lovely voice.我一遇到迪克,就被他那动听的声音迷住了。Benedict pointed downwards with his stick.贝内迪克特用他的拐杖向下指了指。Benedict came up level where the others stood by the water's edge.贝内迪克特与其他人一同站到了水边。Uncle Dick and Aunt Mavis live at High Burnton out towards the coast.迪克叔叔和梅维丝婶婶住在海本顿靠近海岸的地方。The drowning at Chappaquiddick is still engraved in the collective memory of America.查帕奎迪克溺亡事件仍然铭记在全体美国人心中。Dick took me to the party and, for once, I let myself go completely.迪克带我去参加那次聚会,我难得让自己完全放松了一次。Dick cradled her photograph against his breast.迪克把她的照片轻轻拥在胸前。Benedict pointed downwards again with his stick.贝内迪克特用他的拐棍又往下指了指。Dick wiped his hands on a greasy rag.迪克在一块油腻的破布上抹手。Dick adjusted well to Hong Kong.迪克很能适应香港的生活。Historically, St Benedict's is a breeding ground for talent.圣贝尼迪克特自古以来就是人才辈出的地方。Dick was quick to seize the idea.迪克迅速领会了这个想法。Dick had cooked a special stew, which looked and smelled revolting.迪克烧了一个特别的炖锅菜,看上去和闻起来都恶心。Riddick's first move was to form a quality circle.迪克的第一项举措就是成立质量研讨小组。Though dusk had established itself, Dick was still driving without headlights.天色已暗,但迪克还是不开前灯驱车前进。Dick had been an accident by sending over flowers.迪克送花来,真是出人意料。He had been sent here to keep an eye on Benedict.他是被派来监视贝内迪克特的。The drowning at Chappaquiddick, now more than 20 years ago, is still engraved in the collective memory of America.直至今日,二十几年前的查帕奎迪克溺亡事件仍然铭记在全体美国人心中。Dick is fanatical about football.迪克对足球爱得入迷。Benedict had been a wild boy and a quarrelsome young man.贝内迪克特小时候野性难驯,年轻时又爱与人争吵。Dick never finked out on his obligations.迪克从不背弃他承担的义务。The university refused to let Dick Gregory speak on campus.这所大学不让迪克·格雷戈里在校园里发表演说。




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