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词汇 擅离职守
例句 Employees were not allowed to leave except in an emergency. 除了紧急情况外,员工不得擅离职守Walking out without giving any notice will only harm your career.事先不作任何通知就擅离职守只会损害自己的前程。He went AWOL while on duty in Northern Ireland.他在北爱尔兰执勤时曾擅离职守The officer was convicted of desertion at a court martial.这名军官在军事法庭上被判犯了擅离职守罪。Two soldiers had gone AWOL the night before.前一晚,有两个士兵擅离职守The guard was punished for deserting his post.卫兵因擅离职守而受到处罚。Three soldiers were AWOL.三名士兵擅离职守He was guilty of desertion during wartime.他犯了战争期间擅离职守罪。Desertion was punishable by death.擅离职守者可处死刑。He pleaded guilty before a court martial to absenting himself without leave.在军事法庭上他对自己擅离职守表示服罪。The soldier was absent without leave. 这个士兵擅离职守Any soldier failing to report would be considered absent without leave and punished accordingly.士兵若不上报将被视为擅离职守,并视情况给予处分。Four AWOLs are still missing from their unit.四名擅离职守的士兵现在仍然没有归队。




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