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词汇 association
例句 He arbitrates between investors and members of the association.他在投资者和该协会成员之间作出仲裁。His association with such criminals can only destroy him.与这样的罪犯为伍只会毁了他。He was considered tainted by association with the corrupt regime.他因与腐败政府有牵连而名誉受损。We claimed a refund from the association, but they would not pay up.我们要求该协会退款,但是他们不肯付钱。They'll only harm themselves if they decide to leave the association.如果他们决定离开协会,吃亏的只会是他们自己。He maintains an active membership in the association.他一直是协会的活跃会员。In its submission to the Commission, the association claimed that many prisoners are innocent.在呈交委员会的声明中,该协会声称许多犯人是无辜的。The housing association agreed to wait for his rent, as he would be paid in arrears.房屋协会同意等待他的租金,因为他是先干活后拿工资的。She has formed a housing association.她成立了一个住房协会。Have you joined the teachers' association?你加入教师协会了吗? The staff association should affiliate with the union.员工协会应该隶属于工会。He dismissed his past association with racist groups as a youthful indiscretion.他把过去自己和种族主义团体的联系称为是年轻人的行为不慎。He had had an illicit association with a model.他和一个模特有过不正当关系。It falls to me to thank you for all you have done for the association.我应该感谢你为这个组织所做的一切。One of the most important political freedoms is freedom of association.结社自由是最重要的政治自由之一。He ceased to be a member of the association.他不再是协会会员。The villagers avoided him because of his association with the villains and vipers.因为他与坏蛋和奸诈者有交往,村民们都避讳他。She was a total mystery to him despite their long association.尽管已经交往很长时间了,但对他而言,她还完全是个谜。The pseudosophistication derived from association with the upper crust divorces a man from reality.同上流社会交往养成的矫饰作风使人脱离实际。Lawyers have their own professional association, which operates a strict code of conduct.律师有他们自己的专业协会,协会有一套严格的行为准则。It was to be a free association of equal partners.它应该是一种自由、平等的伙伴关系。The women's association has amalgamated with the men's.妇女联合会已经和男子联合会合并了。Their close association goes back to the war years.他们亲密的友谊开始于战争年代。The association believes new technology will provide a long-term solution to credit card fraud.该协会相信新技术将可长远地解决信用卡诈骗问题。The land was obtained in a crooked business deal between politicians and an Arizona savings and loans association.这块地是在一次政客与亚利桑那储贷协会之间的不正当交易中得到的。Seizures or convulsions may occur in association with fever.癫痫或抽搐可能与发热同时出现。The dog forms an association between the action and the reward.狗能把行为与奖励联系起来。The Government will not allow the staff association to affiliate with outside unions.政府不会允许其公务员协会与外部工会有紧密联系。The aim of the association is to perpetuate the skills of traditional furniture design.该协会致力于促进传统家具设计工艺的传承延续。He is here to give a concert at the invitation of the association.他应协会邀请来此举行音乐会。The book was published in association with the university.这本书是和这所大学联合出版的。The association works to promote the status of retired people as useful members of the community.这个协会旨在提高退休人员的地位,使其成为社会中有用的成员。The association reconvened the conference every three years.这个协会每三年召开一次会议。The association is sending representatives to the conference.协会将派代表出席大会。All members of the association adhere to a strict code of practice.协会的所有成员都坚持严格的行为规范。Dogs learn mainly by association.狗主要通过关联来认识事物。The taxi drivers' association is urging its members, who can work as many hours as they want, not to overdo it.出租车司机协会劝告那些工作时长不受限制的会员不要疲劳驾驶。He played a seminal role in the formation of the association.他在协会的创立过程中起了奠基性作用。The school was made famous by its association with Charles Dickens.这所学校因与查尔斯・狄更斯有关而出名。The association fosters a deeper understanding between prisons and the public.该协会致力于促进监狱和公众之间加深了解。




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