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词汇 这种情况
例句 In this case, several solutions could be tried.这种情况下可以尝试几种解决办法。I'm finding it difficult in the extreme to deal with this situation.我发现这种情况极难处理。In the circumstances, it might be better if I gave the lecture rather than you.这种情况下,由我来代你授课可能更好。The principal will take whatever action she deems appropriate in this case.这种情况下,校长将采取她认为合适的任何行动。The way forward in this situation is by diplomacy and negotiation.这种情况下要取得进展需要讲究点手腕,要进行商谈。I'd very likely have done the same thing in your situation.我要是碰到你这种情况,很有可能也会那样做的。Sometimes, but not very often, Pippa persuaded her father to lend her his car.有时皮帕也能说服父亲把车子借给她用,但这种情况不多。It's true that our schools have suffered in the past from a lack of funding, but we are changing that.我们的学校过去确实因缺乏经费而受到影响,但我们正在改变这种情况I'd seen it before in people who held immense power.我以前曾在掌握大权的人身上看到过这种情况If I can accept this situation, surely you can.如果我能接受这种情况,你当然也能。It's a sad state of affairs when people are afraid to go out at night.人们晚上害怕外出,这种情况真是糟透了。If this keeps up, Ben's going to start to get ideas.如果这种情况继续下去的话,本很快就会开始想入非非了。Robbie did what any other sane person would do in this situation.罗比做了任何有理智的人在这种情况下都会做的事。We could not allow that state of affairs to continue.我们不能允许这种情况持续下去。This situation has split the family up.这种情况将这一家人拆散了。It is uncertain how likely this is to occur.出现这种情况可能性有多大还不清楚。Her upbringing had given her the social skills to cope with such situations.她所受的教育使她具有处理这种情况的社交能力。The condition is caused by a genetic mutation.这种情况是由基因突变引起的。The situation calls for a very delicate approach.这种情况需要用审慎的方式来处理。This poses a difficult dilemma for teachers.这种情况让老师很为难。The reasons for this situation are manifold.出现这种情况原因是多方面的。A recent report on child abuse in The Guardian suggests that as many as one in ten children are at risk.最近《卫报》上的一篇关于虐待儿童的报道指出,多达十分之一的儿童面临着这种情况The situation fairly screamed for someone to intervene.这种情况亟须有人介入。We don't usually accept late applications, but in this case we will make an exception.通常我们不受理逾期的申请,但这种情况下我们可以破一次例。US foreign policy at the time hadn't made the slightest difference in the situation.当时美国的对外政策在这种情况下一点都不起作用。This is a situation that calls for tactful diplomacy.这种情况需要的是圆滑的手腕。A sense of proportion would not go amiss in all of this.这种情况下有点分寸感应该还是有好处的。This situation produces recognisable stress symptoms.这种情况会产生明显的压力症状。If left untreated, the condition will eventually result in blindness.不治疗的话,这种情况最终会导致失明。To counter this, the police will equip themselves with tear gas.为了对付这种情况,警察将配备催泪瓦斯。If this is left untreated, one can actually haemorrhage to death.如果这种情况得不到治疗的话,人就会因失血过多而死亡。How can we produce top-class engineers when universities are constrained to offer salaries that can only attract mediocre staff?.大学的财力有限,提供的薪酬仅能吸引水平一般的教师,在这种情况下,我们如何能培养出一流的工程师?She said this kind of occurrence is common, and she quoted several instances of almost identical behavior.她说这种情况很常见,还举出了好几个行为几乎完全相同的事例。It's the best result that could be expected under the circumstances.这种情况下,这可能是最好的结果了。He handled the situation with great sensitivity.他十分体恤地处理这种情况This condition is not mentioned in standard medical textbooks.这种情况在权威的医学课本里没有提及。This could now work to Albania's benefit.这种情况目前对阿尔巴尼亚有利。It's hard to sift out the truth from the lies in this case.这种情况下真相和谎言很难分辨。This situation must be handled delicately.这种情况必须审慎处理。The problem usually goes away on its own, but in this case you may need to see a doctor.这种小病通常会不治而愈,但是你这种情况可能需要去看医生。




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