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词汇 这个岛
例句 The island is the sort of place that caters for families.这个岛是个适合家庭度假的地方。The island is a popular tax haven for the very rich.这个岛是巨富青睐的避税天堂。The island is blessed with a perfect climate.这个岛得天独厚,气候非常完美。The island is too slow for her liking.这个岛太沉闷了,不合她的胃口。The island is only accessible by boat.这个岛只有坐船才能到。They live in the extreme south of the island.他们住在这个岛的最南端。I became completely enamored of the island and its people.我完全被这个岛和岛上的居民迷住了。The island does not tax non-resident companies.这个岛不要求非本地公司纳税。The island is located plumb in the middle of the lake.这个岛恰好位于湖中央。Tourism has been the salvation of the island.旅游业成了这个岛的救星。The island was created by an upheaval of the ocean floor.这个岛由海底隆起形成。The island is being promoted as a destination for romantic getaways.这个岛正被宣传为浪漫的度假胜地。The island is linked by a causeway to the mainland.这个岛与大陆有一条堤道相连。There is ferry service to the island four times a day. 每天有四班渡轮开往这个岛The island has had several close encounters with major hurricanes in recent years.这个岛近年来多次险些遭到强飓风的破坏。The island was used by Dickens as the setting for Oliver Twist.狄更斯把这个岛作为《雾都孤儿》的故事背景。The main point of contention is who has the rights to the land.争论的焦点是谁有权拥有这个岛The explosion wiped the island off the map. 爆炸使这个岛彻底从地图上消失了。These changes will rip the heart out of the island's economy.这些变化将严重损害这个岛的经济。The island's prosperity depends on its fishing industry.这个岛的繁荣有赖于渔业。The island's in the Pacific Ocean; I'm not at liberty to say exactly where, because we're still negotiating for its purchase.这个岛在太平洋上;我无权说出它的具体位置,因为我们仍在洽谈购买事宜。The island is being destroyed by the relentless march of tourism.旅游业的恶性发展正在破坏着这个岛They will size up the island.他们要估算一下这个岛的面积。The island is no longer inhabited. 这个岛已经无人居住了。The island is noted as a summer resort.这个岛以避暑胜地著称。The island remains untainted by tourism.这个岛尚未受到旅游业的破坏。The island is a veritable paradise.这个岛真是一个人间天堂。The island is only accessible at low tide.这个岛只有在落潮的时候才能上。The island was cut off from the rest of the world.这个岛过去与世界其他地区是完全隔绝的。During peak season , the island is very crowded.这个岛在旅游高峰期游人如织。The brochure gives a general description of the island and some of the things you can do there.这本小册子大致地描述了这个岛,并介绍了你在那里可以做的一些事。The island ranks as one of the poorest of the whole region.这个岛可以说是整个地区最贫困的地方之一。The island attracts adventurous travelers.这个岛吸引了爱冒险的旅行者。The island is a nirvana for divers.这个岛是潜水者的天堂。The island is only reachable by boat.这个岛只能坐船。For the first time in living memory, old Jack had left the island.在人们的记忆中,老杰克这是第一次离开这个岛The island was there before there was life on earth.在地球上有生命以前,这个岛就存在了。Every part of the island has been explored.这个岛的每一处都探查过了。




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