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词汇 过日子
例句 He lives off a vegetable garden.他靠菜园的收入过日子She lived on her savings.她靠存款过日子When he had gambled his money, he was put to shifts to live.他输光了钱就凑合着过日子The racists lived in armed fear of the Blacks.种族主义者害怕黑人,随身带着武器过日子The tribesmen alternate the days spent with each wife.那些部落男子安排妻子们轮流和自己过日子George had always tried to lead a good life.乔治一直努力要好好过日子Governments and companies are forced to tighten their belts during a recession.经济衰退期间,政府和公司都不得不勒紧裤带过日子Six months after the earthquake, city residents continue to make the best of a bad situation.地震发生六个月以后,城里的居民都尽力凑合着过日子They are trying to live on a fixed income.他们在设法靠固定收入过日子He lives from day to day and likes uncertainty.过日子不考虑未来,喜欢过一天算一天。Dad lost his job and we had to live off welfare.爸爸失业了,我们只能靠福利救济过日子You won't be rich as an MP, but you'll have enough to live on.当议会议员不会很有钱,但过日子的钱还是足够了。He admired those who carried on their everyday lives despite infirmities.他很钦佩那些体弱却能正常过日子的人。She lives off the interest and tries to keep the principal intact.她靠利息过日子,尽量不动用本金。Her husband is unemployed and the family depends on charity.她丈夫失业了,全家人靠救济金过日子They are still having to live on very low incomes.他们现在还得靠微薄的收入过日子I quite fancy the idea of lazing around.我很喜欢懒散地过日子He's still drifting along, without a proper job or any sense of purpose.他还是在混一天是一天地过日子,没正当工作,也没有什么追求。I knew a fellow who lived for years by his wits.我认识一个人,好多年来他就靠施展小聪明过日子She lost her job and had to live on her savings.她丢了工作,只好靠积蓄过日子He is living within/beyond his means. 过日子能/不能量入为出。He will do anything for a quiet life.为了安安静静过日子,他干什么都愿意。Dave just lives on beer and takeaways.戴夫就靠喝啤酒吃外卖过日子He made a living of sorts.他凑合着过日子His was a life of thieving and cheating.他靠偷窃和行骗过日子Don't be so sanctimonious, Helen! I'll live my life the way I want to live it.别那么好为人师,海伦!我要按自己的生活方式过日子Most people have to tighten their belts a little when they retire.大多数人退休以后只得勒紧裤带过日子They seem to live on ready cooked meals.他们好像就吃方便餐过日子They were scrimping and scraping all winter so that they could have a good holiday this summer.他们整个冬天精打细算过日子,以便省下钱来在夏天舒舒服服度假。Life with several children is hard and stressful.拖儿带女地过日子艰难且负担沉重。Many people were so destitute they lived out of garbage cans.好多人穷得靠吃垃圾箱里的食物过日子He used to live in a permanent state of fear.他以前老是提心吊胆地过日子The family lives off welfare.这家人靠救济金过日子We go through life looking at what's in front of our faces instead of the bigger picture.我们过日子,看的是眼前的情况而不看全局。They lived on a meager diet of rice and vegetables.他们只靠米饭和蔬菜过日子They will have to make do on a good deal less than they were earning last year.他们得紧着比去年的收入少得多的钱过日子He wanted to play the field a bit before he got married and settled down.他想放纵一把再结婚安心过日子Since we retired we've been living on our savings and a small pension.退休后,我们一直依靠存款和一点点退休金过日子She lives her life thriftlessly.过日子大手大脚。They don't have a lot of money, but they live comfortably.他们没有很多钱,不过日子过得很舒服。




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