例句 |
It's worth mentioning that not all varieties are edible.不是所有的品种都可以食用,这一点值得提一提。There are many edible fruits growing wild in the coastal forest.在沿海森林地区,有许多可食用的野生水果。Carob seeds grow in edible pods.角豆树的豆荚可以吃。The cook was producing edible meals.厨师正在做美味佳肴。Can you tell the difference between poisonous mushrooms and edible varieties?你能说出有毒蘑菇和食用蘑菇之间的区别吗?All of the decorations on the gingerbread house were edible.姜饼屋上的所有装饰都是可以吃的。These berries are edible, but those are poisonous.这些浆果可以吃,但那些有毒。Some mushrooms are edible; some are poisonous.有些蘑菇可食用;有些则有毒。These white mushrooms are edible.这些白蘑菇可以食用。Some of the food was barely edible.这其中有些食物简直没法吃。Only the leaves of the plant are edible.这种植物仅叶子可食。Are these mushrooms edible?这些蘑菇可以吃吗?Some mushrooms are edible while others, which look almost identical, contain deadly poisons.有些蘑菇可以食用,而另一些虽然看上去几乎一模一样,却含有致命的毒素。Peel off the blackened skin, flatten the pepper out and trim it into edible pieces.把发黑的外皮削掉,然后把甜椒压扁,切成方便入口的小块。 |