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词汇 edit
例句 The program enables you to copy and edit files in the usual way.这个程序使你能够以普通的方式复制和编辑文件。Write freely. You can always edit things out later.随便写吧,反正以后你还可以删节。We reserve the right to cut or edit letters.我们保留删减或者编辑信件的权利。I used to edit the college paper in the old days.以前我曾经做过大学校报的主编。Scholars often edit Shakespeare's plays.学者们常校订莎士比亚的剧本。The text is very messy and needs a close edit.文章太乱了,需要仔细校订。When you edit the tape you can take out the giggles.你编辑录音时,可以把咯咯笑的部分删了。That guy is a joke. How can he edit a book when he can't even spell!那家伙真让人笑掉大牙,他连拼写也不行怎么能编书呢! Students learn to edit their essays for grammar and punctuation.学生们学着校对论文中的语法和标点。The purpose of the edit is fairly simple – to chop out the boring bits from the original.编辑的目的相当简单,就是删除原作中无聊的部分。He gave the book a final edit.这本书他最后校订了一遍。If you make a mistake, don't worry - we can edit it out before the interview is shown.如果你出错的话不必担心,访问播出前我们会把它剪辑掉。The software allows you to edit videos on your computer.这个软件可以让你在计算机上剪辑录像。You should edit the lead so that it will grab the audience's attention.为了吸引读者的注意力,你应该对导语进行编辑。I've read your edit in today's issue.我已经读了今天你们刊物上的社论了。The majority of contracts give the publisher the right to edit a book.大多数合同都赋予出版社编辑书稿的权力。I feel like I have to edit myself when I talk to them.我感觉与他们交谈时我得换一种说法。He undertook to edit the text himself.他答应亲自编辑文本。The last edit keeps the movie's action from sagging.最后一次的剪辑使影片情节免于枯燥乏味。She used to edit the Observer.她曾主编过《观察家报》。Three CBS cameramen were on site to shoot and edit taped reports. 3名哥伦比亚广播公司的摄影记者在现场拍摄并编辑录像报道。He taught me to edit and splice film.他教我电影剪接。I type and edit stuff for Derek's friends.我为德里克的朋友们录入文字并负责校订。The majority of contracts give the publisher the right to edit a book after it's done.大多数合同都赋予出版商在书稿完成后进行校订的权利。You scan the text into the computer, then edit it.把文本扫描进计算机,然后进行编辑。This program allows you to edit and catalogue digital photographs.运用这一程序能编辑数码照片并为其编目分类。




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