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词汇 过会儿
例句 Sorry, I'm busy just now - can I call you later?对不起,我现在忙着一过会儿打电话给你好吗?I left the door on the latch so that I could sneak back in later.我虚掩上门,以便过会儿再溜进去。It's pretty cold outside now, but it should warm up later.现在外面比较冷,但过会儿就会暖和起来。John's in the bath just now - can he call you back?约翰这会儿在洗澡——让他过会儿给你回电话好吗?Leave the dishes. I'll do them later.碟子放着吧,过会儿我来洗。I don't want to seem rude but I'm very pressed for time. Could I call you back later?我并不想显得这么无礼,但是现在时间很紧,我过会儿给你回电话好吗?Leave the parcel at reception and I'll pick it up later.把包裹放在接待处吧,我过会儿再来取。Let's hope the weather brightens up later.希望过会儿天气会转晴。She said she'd call back later to pick up that report.她说她过会儿要回来取那份报告。You'll feel better afterward.过会儿就会感觉好些了。I'll have that information for you soon. Just bear with me for another minute or two.过会儿就把信息告诉你,再耐心等一两分钟。All the photocopiers are in use. Could you come back later?所有复印机都在使用中,你过会儿再来好吗?I'll give you a call later and fill you in on the details.过会儿给你打电话告诉你详情。Tell her I'll call her back later, I'm running late again.告诉她我过会儿会给她回电话,我又要晚了。Did you get that joke, Ann? I'll explain later.安,听懂那个笑话了吗?我过会儿会解释。If I don't do it now, I'll forget to do it later.如果我不马上做,过会儿我就会忘了。I'm a bit busy - can I call you back later?我有点儿忙——我过会儿再打给你好吗?I can call back later if this is an inconvenient time.如果现在不方便的话我过会儿再打来。If you get the munchies later on there are some cookies in the kitchen.如果你过会儿想吃点东西,厨房里有些小甜饼。It's still early. He may yet join us for dinner. 时间还早呢,他可能过会儿才和咱们一起吃晚饭。I'll meet you in the bar later.过会儿我将在酒吧和你见面。Later on, we could go and have a meal if you like.你愿意的话,过会儿我们可以一起去吃饭。




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