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词汇 to murder
例句 She was certainly not the type to murder her husband.她绝不是那种会谋害亲夫的人。Behind the smiling eyes lurks the evil that led her to murder the two babies in her care.她笑里藏刀,杀害了她照顾的两个宝宝。She's serving life for acting as an accomplice to murder.她作为谋杀案的共犯在服无期徒刑。Your dad's going to murder you when he sees the car.你爸爸看到这辆车后会要了你的命。The teacher told the students not to murder the English language.老师告诉学生不要胡乱使用英语。Mr Farmer and Mrs Jones admitted conspiring to murder her husband.法默先生和琼斯夫人承认合谋杀死了她丈夫。Her hatred of them would never lead her to murder.她对他们的憎恨也绝不会驱使她杀人。They argued over whether the death penalty is an effective deterrent to murder.他们争论死刑是否可以有效制止谋杀的发生。Mr Farmer and Mrs Jones both admitted conspiring to murder her husband.法默先生和琼斯太太都承认密谋杀死了琼斯先生。He was convicted as an accomplice to murder.他被判犯有协同谋杀罪。Egged on by his wife, Macbeth planned to murder his king.在妻子的怂恿下,马克白计划谋杀他的国王。He has been named as the prime mover in the conspiracy to murder Carroll.他已被公布是阴谋杀害卡罗尔的主谋。She was deported on the charge that she had conspired to murder the president of Mexico.她因被控密谋杀害墨西哥总统而被驱逐出境。Taylor plotted with his daughter to murder her husband.泰勒与女儿策划杀害女儿的丈夫。He is wanted as an accessory to murder.他作为谋杀罪的从犯而被通缉。He was tried for attempting to murder his wife.他因企图谋杀妻子而受到审判。Mum's going to murder me for getting home so late.妈妈会因为我这么晚回家而大为光火的。I know of no one who would want to murder Albert.我从未听说过有人想谋杀艾伯特。British law forbids incitement to murder.英国法律禁止煽动杀人。Jealousy drives people to murder.嫉妒驱使人们去杀人。They attempted to murder British soldiers.他们试图杀害英国士兵。




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