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When he had gambled his money, he was put to shifts to live.他输光了钱就凑合着过日子。Instead of using the money to pay his rent, he went to a betting shop and lost the lot in half an hour.他没有拿钱去交房租,而是去了投注站,半小时内就把这笔钱全输光了。He's lost all his money, poor soul.他把钱全输光了,可怜的家伙。Fred soon gambled his profits away.弗雷德很快把他的收益输光了。You've won a lot of money, but don't push it or you could lose it all.你已经赢了很多钱了,别再贪了,否则你有可能会输光的。Nielsen gambled his inheritance away.尼尔森把继承的遗产都输光了。He gambled away all his money.他把钱全都输光。 |