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Maggie opened the door silently and slipped in.玛吉轻轻打开门,溜了进去。He flipped at the ass with a whip.他用鞭子轻轻抽打那头驴子。A sharp tap on the knee usually causes an involuntary movement of the lower leg.突然轻轻敲一下膝盖,小腿通常会不由自主地动一下。The blade glided easily over his skin.叶片在他的皮肤上轻轻划过。He took a handkerchief from his pocket and lightly wiped his mouth.他从口袋里掏出手帕,轻轻擦了擦嘴。The rain fell lightly on the roof.雨水轻轻洒落在屋顶上。I played the ball back slightly.我把球轻轻打了回去。If your child's temperature rises, sponge him or her down gently with tepid water.如果孩子体温上升,就用海绵蘸温水轻轻给他或她擦洗一下。Toss the vegetables lightly in olive oil.把蔬菜放在橄榄油里轻轻翻动一下。I gave the poles a slight wobble and the whole tent collapsed.我轻轻晃了晃几根柱子,整个帐篷就倒了。We watched the ducks paddle across the lake.我们看着鸭子轻轻拨水游过湖面。He gave her a brief, brotherly kiss.他像个兄长似的轻轻吻了她一下。If you give the machine a little kick, it should start working again.轻轻踢那部机器一下,它应该就会重新运转了。John gently disengaged himself from his sister's tearful embrace.约翰轻轻推开抱着他哭泣的妹妹。Grace tapped on the bedroom door and went in.格雷丝轻轻敲了敲卧室的门,走了进去。She dabbed her moist eyes with a handkerchief.她用手帕轻轻擦了擦湿润的眼睛。She took her son's hand in a gentle/firm clasp.她轻轻/紧紧地握着儿子的手。She cuffed the dog when she found it on the chair.她发觉狗跳到椅子上,便轻轻打了它一下。A small cry escaped his throat.他不由自主地轻轻叫了一声。She gave him a jog with her elbow.她用肘部轻轻推了他一下。He laid a gentle hand on his brother's shoulder.他把手轻轻搭在弟弟肩上。He tapped a stick against the window to let me know he'd arrived.他用手杖轻轻叩窗,要我知道他已到达。If you tap something made of good glass, it should keep ringing for quite a long time.用优质玻璃做的东西,轻轻敲一下会叮叮地响很长时间。He dabbed his lips with the napkin.他用餐巾轻轻擦了擦嘴唇。He gently rattled the cage and whispered to the canary.他轻轻晃动着鸟笼,和金丝雀轻声低语着。She was making small groaning noises.她发出轻轻的呻吟声。There was a tap at the door.有轻轻的敲门声。He sent it skidding across the table with a flick of his fingers.他手指轻轻一弹,把那东西推过桌面。The boat moved slightly, and he steadied himself on the handrail.船轻轻晃动,他抓住扶手站稳了身子。She was asleep in a chair and snoring gently.她在椅子上睡着了,发出轻轻的鼾声。John cradled the baby in his arms.约翰把宝宝轻轻抱在怀里。She gave me a gentle push.她轻轻推了我一下。He finished with a light press of the earth over the newly planted seed.他最后在新播下的种子上轻轻压了压土。Press the powder gently on the skin with a velour puff.用丝绒粉扑轻轻将粉扑在肌肤上。Stroke the cream onto your skin in an upward direction.把护肤霜在皮肤上轻轻向上抹。She was holding the cat in her arms and petting it.她正把猫抱在怀里轻轻拍着。The only sound was the soft squeak of the marker on the board.唯一的声音是记号笔写在板上时发出的轻轻的吱吱声。Jack inclined his head very slightly.杰克轻轻点了点头。Fine needles are gently inserted into the patient's skin.尖细的针头轻轻扎进病人的皮肤。A murmur of amusement ran around the room.轻轻的笑声在屋子里传开了。 |