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词汇 轻松的
例句 Children like to read little rhymes.小孩子喜欢读一些轻松的诗歌。He started the show off with a lively song.演出开始他先唱了一首轻松的歌曲。She taught her class in an informal manner.她用一种轻松的方式授课。I found him some light work to do.我找了点轻松的工作给他干。I wish I had a nice cushy job like her.我希望有份她那样的轻松的好工作。She swung down from the tree in one easy movement.她做了一个轻松的动作就从树上荡了下来。Assuming a carefree air, Luke picked up his jacket and walked to the door.卢克装出轻松的样子,拿起外套向门口走去。When I returned to work after my illness I was put on light duties.我病愈重新工作,给安排了较轻松的工作。It would be wrong to try to read too much into such a light-hearted production.如果硬把太多含义强加给这部轻松的作品就不对了。He got a plush job in City Hall after his father pulled strings.他父亲利用私人关系后,他在市政府里谋到一个轻松的工作。We spent three relaxing days at the beach.我们在海滩度过了三天轻松的时光。Don't think that learning Dutch will be a breeze.不要以为学荷兰语是件轻松的事。Ispent the morning pottering about in the garden.我上午在花园里随便干了些轻松的活儿。She's only allowed to do a little light work because of her bad arm.她胳臂有伤,所以只许她做一点儿轻松的工作。My wife likes chick flicks, I don't. I can't sit through two hours of women's stuff.我老婆喜欢看轻松的爱情喜剧,我不喜欢。我可没办法坐上两个小时看这种女人的东西。Mike's found himself a soft job in the stores.迈克在商店里找到一份轻松的活儿。Create a relaxing bedroom environment to de-stress you and help you fall asleep.营造轻松的卧室环境可使自己放松,有助于睡眠。The café has a relaxed continental feel about it.这家咖啡馆有种轻松的欧陆情调。She walked along at a comfortable pace.她一路迈着轻松的步子。Soft music creates a relaxing atmosphere.轻柔的音乐营造出一种轻松的气氛。You're lucky to have such a cushy job.你有一份这么轻松的工作真幸运。A relaxed atmosphere prevails in the club.俱乐部里充满着轻松的气氛。It's no easy task getting three sleepy children out of the car and into the house.把三个打瞌睡的孩子从汽车里抱出来弄进屋里可不是件轻松的事。They made hard work of what should have been an easy game.原该很轻松的比赛,他们却打得非常艰苦。He was never able to relax until he took up fishing.直到他开始以钓鱼为乐,他才真正得到了轻松的休息。The whole ethos of the hotel is effortless service.该酒店的全部理念就是提供轻松的服务。The doctor said I could do a little light housework.医生说我可以做点儿轻松的家务活儿。The second trimester is generally the easiest part of a pregnancy.一般说来,第二个三月期是怀孕期间最轻松的一段时间。Put on some relaxing music and burn some incense.放点轻松的音乐,燃几炷香。We know it won't be plain sailing at Wembley because there are no easy games at this level.我们知道在温布利不会顺风顺水,因为在这一级别就没有轻松的比赛。He has lived an easy life in college for the last few years.他最近几年一直在大学里过着轻松的日子。This is a place for easy living, with a touch of the ersatz.这是一个生活很轻松的地方,有一点不真实。She tried to make light of the situation, but I could tell that she was worried.对于当时的情况,她尽量装出一副轻松的样子,但是我看得出,她是担心的。We had to be on the parade ground for 5.30 a.m. and that took some doing.我们得在清晨五点半到阅兵场上集合,那可不是件轻松的事。I'm so busy, I can rarely afford the luxury of a restful weekend.我太忙了,很少能享受一个轻松的周末。It may be a very easy way to make money, but that doesn't make it right.这可能是个很轻松的赚钱方法,但并不等于是正当的。Getting the money to finance a project like this is no small matter. 为这样一个项目融资可不是件轻松的事。It's no joke driving on icy roads.在冰雪路面上开车不是件轻松的事。Air travelers can have stress-free trips if they follow a few simple guidelines.飞机的乘客如能遵照一些简单易行的指示做,就可享受到轻松的旅途了。She only has a few light duties around the house.她只有一点轻松的家务活。




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