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词汇 轻易地
例句 He slid into his impersonation of the president.轻易地模仿起总裁来。Users can easily move files between PCs connected by local area networks or the Internet.用户可轻易地在与局域网或互联网连接的个人计算机间传送文件。She could have established her own innocence and virtue easily enough.她本可以轻易地证实自己纯真善良的品性。Regulators worry that controls could easily be bypassed.监管机构担心人们会轻易地摆脱控制。We got whacked. On paper we should have wiped the floor with them.我们被轻易地击败了。按理说我们本应该大败他们。Leach had no difficulty getting press coverage for his stunts.利奇的惊人之举轻易地吸引了媒体的报道。The system allows the easy transfer of data from one computer to another. = The system allows data to be transferred easily from one computer to another.这个系统使得数据能轻易地从一台电脑传到另一台电脑上。We're not ready to disarm ourselves in order to make it easier for them to kill us.我们可不准备放下武器,好让他们更轻易地干掉我们。These hovercraft can easily outpace most boats.这些气垫船在速度上可轻易地超过大部分船只。These atrocities are not readily explicable by any of the usual analyses of politics.通常的政治分析无法轻易地解释这些暴行。The investment sailed through.这笔投资轻易地取得了成功。I wasn't going to let her off the hook so easily.我是不会让她这么轻易地逃过惩罚的。No charge of faithlessness ought to be lightly uttered.不可轻易地控告某人不贞。We all too easily point out our mothers' failings.我们都太过轻易地指出母亲的缺点。Williams' style does not fit easily into the category of jazz.威廉斯的风格不能轻易地归入爵士乐的范畴。Politicians think they can easily lead people by the nose.政客们以为他们能轻易地牵着民众的鼻子走。He easily defeated his opponent in the election.选举中他轻易地击败了对手。I don't think these substandard products will easily get past the inspection.我不认为这些次品能轻易地通过检验。Our team walked off with the championship.我队轻易地赢得冠军。The nomination won't go to him on a silver platter.提名不会轻易地落到他头上。The operation is easily reversible.这一操作可以轻易地反向进行。The invading army easily overcame the town's defences.侵略军轻易地击败了该镇的守军。He walked off with first prize.轻易地赢得头奖。The saw easily cuts through metal.这把锯能轻易地锯断金属。She vaulted the fence easily.轻易地翻过了那道篱笆。The needle went in easily.轻易地扎了进去。Most babies can digest a wide range of food easily.大多数婴儿能轻易地消化多种食物。You can't easily part a woman from her favourite lipstick.你无法轻易地让一个女人放弃自己心爱的唇膏。It was easy for the man to conceal himself in the museum before closing time.那人轻易地在博物馆关门之前藏了起来。There's one student who knocks spots off all the others.有一个学生轻易地把所有其他人都甩在后面。




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