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词汇 alcoholism
例句 He finally conquered his alcoholism.他终于克服了酗酒的毛病。The organization tries to deal with the widespread problems of drug addiction and alcoholism.该团体试图解决涉及面很广的吸毒和酗酒问题。Even close relationships can be destroyed by alcoholism.就是亲密无间的关系也会因酗酒而遭到破坏。His career as a writer was played out against a background of alcoholism.酗酒一直伴随着他的写作生涯。She struggled with her husband's demons of addiction and alcoholism.她和丈夫身上吸毒和酗酒的恶习作斗争。Kerala has less crime and alcoholism than elsewhere in India.喀拉拉邦的犯罪和酗酒现象少于印度的其他地区。After years of alcoholism, he went to a clinic to dry out.酗酒多年后,他前往一家诊所戒酒。The family had a history of alcoholism and depression.这家人有酗酒和抑郁的家族史。His alcoholism has completely enslaved him.嗜酒癖使他完全身不由主。She's battled alcoholism most of her life, but she's in recovery now.她大半生都在与酗酒问题做斗争,但现在已经戒酒了。In many ways, our society actively promotes alcoholism.我们的社会从多个方面助长了酗酒的风气。In his face you could see the first tell-tale signs of alcoholism.在他脸上,你可以看到他酗酒的一些明显的早期迹象。Manning suffered a setback in his battle against alcoholism.曼宁在与酗酒斗争时受了挫。The Philadelphia Medical Society commissioned a report on alcoholism.费城医学会托人撰写有关酒精中毒的报告。The problem of alcoholism was, and still is, often underplayed.酗酒问题在过去常常被忽视,现在依然如此。He had a history of mental illness and alcoholism.他有精神病史和酗酒史。The stigma of alcoholism makes it difficult to treat.酗酒的恶名令其很难治愈。Paradoxically, the prohibition of liquor caused an increase in alcoholism.矛盾的是,禁酒反而导致了酗酒的增加。He hopes that his book will inspire more research on alcoholism.他希望他的书可以启发人们对酒精中毒现象作更多的研究。His sister died as a result of alcoholism.他姐姐因酗酒而死。




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