例句 |
I prised off the metal rim surrounding one of the dials.我把其中一个刻度盘的金属边撬开了。The dials were giving higher readings than we had expected.刻度盘给出的读数比我们预期的要高。The right-hand dial shows the temperature, and the left-hand one shows the air pressure.右面的刻度盘显示温度,左面的刻度盘显示气压。How long does it take for the dial to rotate through a full circle?刻度盘转一整圈需要多长时间?The pilot sat in front of a bank of dials.飞行员坐在一排刻度盘前。Don't touch that dial…不要碰那个刻度盘。The dial showed that the pressure had fallen to a dangerously low level.刻度盘显示气压已经下降到了一个非常危险的水平。The pilot watched the dials in front of him.飞行员注视着面前的各种仪表刻度盘。 |