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词汇 刻板
例句 Sometimes, you need to get away from the same old routine and the same old faces.有时候,你需要摆脱一下刻板的生活,离开那些熟悉的面孔。Most teachers think the government's guidelines on homework are too prescriptive.大部分教师认为政府有关家庭作业的规定太刻板了。While he was instinctively graceful and natural, his friend was graceless and programmed.他天生高雅而洒脱,而他的朋友却俗气而刻板Learning was by rote and strictly formal.那时学习靠的是死记硬背,极为刻板His manner is off-puttingly formal.他举止刻板,令人生厌。Ordinary people are at the mercy of faceless bureaucrats.普通人的命运任凭那些平庸刻板的官僚们摆布。I just don't have an Iraqi stereotype.我对伊拉克人不抱有刻板成见。Automation is beginning to release workers from the bondage of mindless, repetitive toil.自动化正开始把工人从机械简单又刻板重复的苦役中解放出来。He has become something of a stickler for the finer observances of royal protocol.他已经变得非常刻板,哪怕是最细微的皇室礼仪也会遵循。Lawrence upheld the stereotypical image of the Easterner as sensualist.劳伦斯坚持东方人是享乐主义者的刻板看法。TV provided a welcome diversion from our routine.电视很好地调节了我们的刻板生活。Our teachers were dull, uninspiring, and moralistic.我们的老师乏味刻板、喜欢说教。He is very formal in all his dealings.他待人处事都十分刻板These bigoted attitudes with their stereotypical images are totally out.他们刻板的形象和这些狭隘的看法彻底过时了。His manner was icily formal.他的举止冷漠刻板I find the office environment too rigid and constricting.我感觉办公环境过于刻板拘束。Their media has earned the reputation for being rather dull and uninteresting.他们的媒体落了个刻板无趣的名声。He was distant and stiff, staring out the window.他凝视着窗外,表情冷淡且刻板She doesn't like that prissy dress.她不喜欢那件刻板正式的衣服。The President will not be able to meet enough people if he is kept to an unnaturally rigid schedule.总统如果死守着刻板的日程表,就不能与足够多的人会面。While respected for his integrity, Mr. Jospin is handicapped by an image of dullness and rigidity.若斯潘先生虽然因为为人正直而受到尊敬,但他迟钝刻板的样子使他的形象大打折扣。They do not observe rigid conformity to the doctrines of the church.他们不是刻板地遵守教会的教义。They reacted against the formality of their predecessors.他们一反前任的刻板拘泥而行之。The agency set a strict/rigid/tight timetable for completing the work.这家机构为完成这项工作制订了严格/刻板/紧凑的时间表。He doesn't conform to the stereotype of a military man.他没有军人的那种严肃刻板He writes in a formal and somewhat stilted style.他的写作风格刻板,相当生硬。Young children can be very literal.年幼的孩子会非常刻板地理解话语。A nun's life runs in a groove.修女过著刻板的生活。The story itself sometimes feels overly schematic.这个故事本身有时让人觉得过于刻板The relaxed atmosphere of the classroom was a stark contrast to the strict schools I'd gone to before.教室里的轻松氛围与我以前经历的刻板教育形成鲜明对比。Her parents had kept her on a tight rein with their narrow and inflexible views.她的父母眼光狭隘、顽固刻板,管她管得很紧。The undulating planes of the countryside provide relief from the hard horizontals and verticals of the urban scene.乡村起伏不平的地势使人们摆脱了城市刻板的横平竖直景象。A rigid routine can be stultifying and boring.刻板单调的生活会让人觉得无聊乏味。Museums are trying to shake off their starchy image.博物馆正努力摆脱其或多或少有点刻板的形象。Hospital routines for nurses are very rigid.医院中护士的日常工作非常刻板Her second husband was a steady, unimaginative, corporate lawyer.她的第二任丈夫是一位稳重、刻板的公司法律师。When we first met, he was a little stiff and formal.我们第一次见面时,他有点严厉刻板He was always rigid in his performance of his self-appointed duties.他在履行自己给自己规定的职责方面十分刻板The party is rigid and dogmatic and unlikely to change.这个党派既刻板又固执,不可能有任何改变。He has always been somewhat squeamish about violence.他在暴力问题上向来抱刻板的反对态度。




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