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词汇 dash
例句 Our troops attacked the enemy with a great deal of dash.我军极其勇猛地进攻敌方。Add a dash of soy sauce for that authentic Chinese taste.加点酱油,变成那种正宗的中国风味。They made a headlong dash for the door.他们迅猛地向门口冲去。We all made a mad dash for the door.我们所有人都发疯似的向门口冲去。She was a leader with dash and confidence.她是一个充满活力和信心的领导者。Put in just a dash of vinegar.稍许放一点点醋。She heard the whistle and made a mad dash for the departing train.她听到汽笛声,便朝着正离站的火车全力奔昌去。He rides with dash.他神气十足地骑在马上。Red roses can bring a dash of romance to your evening.几支红玫瑰能为你们的夜晚增添一点浪漫。The captain cut quite a dash in his uniform.舰长穿着制服非常帅。The billows of the Atlantic dash high on the rocks during a storm.暴风雨时,大西洋的巨浪冲撞岩石掀得很高很高。Gillian saw two men dash past, but they didn't notice her.吉莉恩看见两个男人飞奔过去,但他们没有注意到她。If the sauce seems too sweet, add a dash of red wine vinegar.如果酱汁太甜的话,可以加少许红酒醋。I'm sorry, I must dash away now.对不起,我得赶紧走了。I forgot my fear and threw myself into this pell-mell dash.我忘记了恐惧,一头扎进这场狂奔之中。Add some butter and a dash of salt.加一些黄油和一丁点盐。The prisoners made a dash for freedom.囚犯们拔腿飞奔,想要逃脱。He had daring and dash.他既有胆量又有冲劲。She put a dash of French mustard on the hot dogs.她在热狗上放了少量的芥末。Hand clamped over his mouth, he made a dash for the bathroom.他手捂住嘴向浴室冲去。We made a dash for the exit.我们朝出口奔去。A fake fur collar or cuff adds a dash of glamour to even the simplest style.哪怕是最简单的款式,加上人造毛皮衣领或袖口也会显出几分雍容华贵。Oh, Tim! I'm sorry but I have to dash.哦,蒂姆。很抱歉我马上得走了。He finished first in the 100-meter dash.他在一百米短跑中得了第一名。Anyway, I must dash – I said I'd meet Daniel at eight.好了,我得赶紧走了,我答应过八点和丹尼尔见面。I have to dash-I'm late.我得赶紧走 - 我迟到了。When the plane landed, the man made a dash for it.飞机一落地,这名男子就试图逃跑。The Prince was driving with great fire and dash.王子潇洒威猛地驱车而行。The dash may also be used in the same manner as the colon to announce a dramatic point.冒号用于引出重要的观点,破折号也可发挥同样的作用。In his mad dash to the store, he forgot his wallet.他只顾朝商店狂奔,忘了带钱包。I've got to dash off straight after lunch to meet a client.我午饭后得赶紧去见个客户。It's just vodka with orange juice and a dash of lime juice.就是橙汁加伏特加,再加少量的酸橙汁。Add a dash of balsamic vinegar.加入少许香脂醋。We only have a few moments, because Heidi's got to dash off soon.我们只有一点点时间,因为海迪马上就得离开。Her hopes met with a dash.她的希望破灭了。The food is European with a dash of Morocco.这是带一点儿摩洛哥风味的欧洲食物。The general had both skill and dash.这位将军智勇双全。Add a dash of lemon juice.加一点儿柠檬汁。All his activities showed the same dash and spirit.他的一切活动都表现出同样的干劲和气魄。The club sold tickets for a trolley dash at the supermarket to raise money for charity.俱乐部出售超市疯狂大采购的门票以筹集善款。




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