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You deserve a kick in the pants making such a darned slob of yourself.瞧你这懒懒散散的鬼样子,活该栽大跟斗。 I offered to help, but darned if she didn't do the whole thing herself. 我提出帮忙,但让我惊讶的是她居然自己完成了一切。Her cardigan had been darned at the elbows.她的羊毛衫肘部缝补过。We've worked darned hard on this project!我们已经非常玩命地做这个项目了!He darned his own socks.他补了自己的袜子。Mari refolded the darned pullover and socks.玛丽把织补过的套头衫和袜子重新叠好。It seemed very middle-class to worry about such niceties as clean hands and darned socks.担心手是否干净、袜子是否有补丁这类面子上的事情,很像中产阶级的作风。Well I'll be darned! You actually showed up! 哦,真没想到!你居然来了!Aunt Emilie darned old socks.埃米莉姨妈织补旧袜子。This darned window won't open!这扇破烂窗户就是打不开!His socks had been darned again and again.他的袜子补了又补。He's too darned nice.他人真是太好了。You invariably leave your health club a darned sight less healthy than when you went in.人们离开健身俱乐部的时候,气色看上去总是比刚进去时要糟糕。 |