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词汇 in the soup
例句 You've put too much salt in the soup.你在汤里放了太多的盐。There was just a hint of pepper in the soup.汤里只放了一点儿胡椒粉。You'd better put a little more seasoning in the soup.你最好在汤里再加一点调料。She has a knack of landing herself right in the soup.她总是使自己处境尴尬。There was barely a trace of salt in the soup.汤里简直一点盐也没有放。I put just a sprinkle of pepper in the soup.我在汤里只放了一点儿胡椒粉。Bill dunked a piece of bread in the soup.比尔把一片面包放在汤里浸一下再吃。That stunt landed her in the soup.那个特技动作使她陷入困境。She broke off a bit of bread and dipped it in the soup.她掰下一小块面包,在汤里浸了一下。You put too much salt in the soup.你在汤里盐搁得太多了。Put a pinch of sugar in the soup.在汤里加一小撮糖。We'll really be in the soup if the car won't start.如果汽车发动不了,我们就真的有麻烦了。




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