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词汇 身着
例句 The boys wore black tail coats in mourning for George III.男孩们身着黑色燕尾服为乔治三世服丧。The little pageboys were dressed in kilts and the bridesmaids in pink dresses.小男傧相们身着苏格兰式短裙,伴娘们则穿着粉红色礼服。The students all looked very dapper in their uniforms.身着校服的学生们看起来都很整洁利落。He was wearing a stripy shirt and baggy blue trousers.身着一件条纹衬衫和一条宽松的蓝裤子。In the interval a blond boy dressed in white serenaded the company on the flute.幕间休息时,一位身着白衣的金发男孩用长笛为来宾演奏了一支小夜曲。He was equipped in the national dress.身着民族服装。She wore traditional Chinese clothing.身着传统中式服装。Her dress was a smoky blue.身着灰蓝色服装。Many of the marathon runners compete in fancy dress.许多马拉松选手身着奇装异服参加比赛。She's still waiting for a knight in shining armour / armor to come and rescue her.她还在等待一位身着闪亮盔甲的骑士来英雄救美。A man in priestly clothes offered spiritual guidance.一位身着牧师袍服的男子进行了宗教布道。He was dressed in blue. 身着蓝色服装。She was a knockout in navy and scarlet.身着藏青色和鲜红色相间的衣服,十分迷人。She wore black tracksuit bottoms.身着黑色的运动裤。The king, in full ceremonial dress, presided over the ceremony.女王身着礼服盛装主持仪式。In the colourful markets at Chincero and Pisac, women still wear their traditional costume.在金测罗和皮萨克五颜六色的集市上,女人们还是身着传统装束。Tracey is wearing a simple black dress.特蕾西身着一袭素净的黑色长裙。The celebrity guests turned up dressed in sumptuous evening gowns.名流们身着奢华的晚礼服盛装出席。If you're determined to cut a dash in a designer dress, consider hiring one.如果你决意要身着设计师之作惊艳出位,那就考虑雇请一位时装设计师吧。The painting portrays the queen in a purple robe.在这幅画中,女王身着紫袍。Sophie looked chic in lime green and navy.索菲身着酸橙绿和海军蓝,显得很时尚。She looked very pretty in a blue dress and with flowers in her hair.身着蓝色连衣裙,头戴鲜花,看上去非常漂亮。We waited in our fine clothes.我们身着华丽服装候场。He was formally dressed in a grey suit.身着庄重的灰色西服。Gorgeously dressed in white, Ms. Berry went on to speak to reporters.贝里夫人身着一袭华美的白衣,继续跟记者讲话。She looked glamorous in her formal black gown.身着黑色礼服,看上去光彩照人。She wore a lovely tiara but the groom, not to be outdone, had on a very smart embroidered waistcoat.她戴了一顶漂亮的冕状头饰,而新郎也毫不逊色,身着一件非常讲究的刺绣西服马甲。She appeared at the Oscars wearing one of Versace's inimitable creations.身着独一无二的范思哲晚装亮相奥斯卡颁奖典礼。She wore a handsome gray suit to the office.身着笔挺的灰色西装去上班。She wore a classic navy suit.身着一套传统式样的海军服。Liveried doormen welcome you to the hotel.身着制服的门童欢迎你来这家宾馆。He was dressed in regal purple.身着王室穿的紫色衣服。The queen was in full regalia.女王身着整套典礼服饰。She's wearing one of her original fashion creations.身着一款自己独创的时装。The bridesmaids wore apricot and white organza.伴娘们身着杏黄色和白色相间的透明硬纱礼服。Grizzled veterans in uniform gathered at the war monument.头发花白的老兵们身着戎装聚集在战争纪念碑前。The characters were wearing Renaissance style costumes.这些角色身着文艺复兴风格的服装。The pair arrived in matching white outfits.这一对身着相配的白色套装来到这里。The whole performance is done in drag.整场演出中,演员们都身着异性服装。She was wearing a most alluring dress at Sam's dinner party.她出席萨姆的晚宴时身着一件非常迷人的礼服。




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